I've tried, trust me. And I'm still trying to like Fallout 4...but I've begun feeling wicked listless just wandering around in what feels like an empty, uninspired, soulless world. ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ
I've tried, trust me. And I'm still trying to like Fallout 4...but I've begun feeling wicked listless just wandering around in what feels like an empty, uninspired, soulless world. ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ
My nitpick: Why are all the feral's wearing housecoats. It's unattractive. Housecoats are always unattractive.
Once you become a BoS Sentinel or the Institute Leader, it would've been nice if you could actually utilize your position. I don't really feel like somebody who is leading the most secretive organization in the Commonwealth because I cannot do a whole lot when I'm in that position. Same as when I'm a Sentinel for the BoS.
Well, if we didn't complain once in awhile, who's to say that there is room for improvement? I do like the game, as a shooter with RPG elements. So do I think there is room for improvement? Yes I do. Do I wish they would improve on it? Yes I do. But if all just agreed this is the best ever released, and could be released, that is what we are getting each year for christmas. If comsumers don't speak their mind, nothing is going to change, and games will just get more and more shallow. We are already heading there with the consumer mannerism of today, and in many cases, we are already there.
i guess we see the game different, for me i cant compare Fo1 and 2 with Fo3 and 4 bc for me they both are differences game set on the same universe. While Fo1 and 2 are more traditional RPG games, Fo3, FoNV and Fo4 are bothe Action/Rpg games.
Both type of game have huge difference, while for me Fo4 do a better job overall when i go and compare it with Fo3 and FoNV.
And again for me a Fallout game is a game set on the universe or the "lore" (this one can be change in little things, but over all they fit in it)
Once in a while? That's pretty much all that's happening on this (and most) forums!
Hey guys.http://i.imgur.com/QAnmalM.jpg when I initially realized and stated that this thread is in fact a satire. Hopefully it will help simmer things down.
It may be once in awhile for the individual user. Cropped together on a small forum, yes, it will look like there is nothing but negativity. Besides, the title of the thread was, things to dislike, so there. Feel free to post a thread of praise to elevate all the negativity, instead of being negativ about all the negativity!
And immediately be flamed, called a "fan-boy" or told I am "stupid" or "ignorant" because I don't A) criticize everything about the game or play the "correct" way - i.e. whatever the poster thinks is the ONLY way to play.
No thanks. I can be a total a** in other threads and deserve that sort of thing, not set myself up for it. I'm a masochist, not a glutton for punishment.
I just ignore flaming. Persons who flame others for their personal opinion, are not worth it anyways. Nothing constructive comes from replying to them anyways, so why bother paying attention to them
My only complaint about Fallout 4: Whiny [censored]es who complain about petty [censored]. Sell the game if you're so butthurt over simple things. Been a fan of FO since day 1. Glitches were horrible in PS3, but now there's barely any glitches and everything is manageable. I had to redo a quest last night b/c I released Connie Abernathy when I was searching for materials to scrap. I lost 30 minutes of my time in real life but since i have 8 luck, I found a legendary armor piece with +1 STR and +1 END the 2nd time around. So it's like the FO gods were like here you go... our bad.
I dont have exactly 10 things to complain about, but there are a few major issues.
1) Factions. Aside for Institute, I find other factions to be boring and repetitive. Yet another meeting with egocentrical/hypocritical xenophob horders that are Brotherhood of Steel, Minutemen who although making sense, are little but yet another justice league. And... Railroad. Seriously, RAILROAD? Yeah....
2 ) No cybernetic implants. What's even the point of Pain inhibitator and limb actuator when you can't use it to upgrade your character? ( looking at you Institute )
3) Crashings & other technical issues. Had the game crash on me twice on Ps4 so far.
To not be all negative here’s 10 things I liked
i think vats is way better now, that it's slow motion, is more dynamic combat and realistic,
what's the problem with rads? there is radiation in the environment
How come enemy can shoot THROUGH barrier but none of my shots go through like those wire grate things downstair mass med center?
You can actually "unlock" new songs for the radio, as far it seems to me. For example, once you meet this one Jazz singer in Goodneighbor and tell her how much you enjoy her music. You'll hear all of her songs on the radio from then on. So there might be more songs to unlock for the radio.
Plus, the radio isn't fully ported. There are songs on the list that wasn't on FO3's radio and they are all great anyways. I was hoping for a lot of songs from Fallout 3's radio to make a comeback on Fallout 4's radio myself.
1. I thought I will be playing a new game and not Fallout 3 with few changes
2. UI
3. key binding
The main story is a let down. Not to spoil so I'll say any dialog with the head honcho at the Institute was a MAJOR let down.
I'll give you 5 of each, though I have more love for the game than hate.
I hate:
1) Quests and general content/NPC's are lackluster to the extreme. Lack of impact on decisions, variation and scope. World-building falls flat.
2) Dialogue system. I can't stress this enough. It's utterly horrible.
3) The UI, including Pip-Boy. This needs a reimagination for a new millenia.
4) Companions pathing. They get stuck in an empty street.
5) Poor reactivity in the world. Regardless of what I've done, everyone treats me the same.
I love:
1) Diamond City Radio host. He's absolutely brilliant.
2) Power armor
3) Perks system
4) Guns mods. Give me moar!
5) Enemy AI is finally better. Don't know how many noticed, because it's closer to being on par with other games, but it would've been really noticeable if it weren't.
I'm ambivalent towards
1) Settlements. I enjoy building them, but I have issues with the placement of objects. I enjoy setting up defenses, but I have issues with enemy spawning inside the base. I dislike the limitations on settlement size & population being where they are. I think it needs a management UI. I have big issues with items clipping through surfaces and falling into the floor. But it's a very good addition that I hope they keep and expand.
2) The main plot. I really like the last portion of it. I struggled with making my decisions, and found it overall quite engaging. I have to say though, that I really feel like I as a player had very little to say in how the story was played out. It wasn't up to me to decide how faction a) dealt with faction , or indeed how anything at all where to be carried out. I had only two choices, do exactly what was pre-ordained, or not advance the plot.
3) Partial armor system. Overall it's a decent idea and fits the setting. However I thought it often looked a bit rubbish, it doesn't take you long until you end up with a complete set anyways, and there's a conflict between using armor/clothing that looks awesome and the fact that what you can put together yourself is a lot better. Another issue is that all the legendary armor pieces you can pick up are inactive while in power armor, and you're always in power armor, so that renders more than half of the loot pointless.
4) The graphics. The lighting effects are really good. The engine seems entirely unable to render faces.
5) The engine. Specifically the moving around in the world part. I can't climb, I can't squeeze through narrow passes, I can't crawl, I can't jump and catch a ledge, etc. There's so many times that I've thought "WHAT? You can't get over THAT ledge?" It supports building a massive world, which is great, but the physics of it is getting really weird.