It shouldn't be that hard for Bethesda, if people actually end up wanting it considering they did test out a multiplayer already.
Absolutely not. Enough many fanchises have been ruined by adding completely unnecessary multiplayer. Fallout should stay singleplayer only, period.
And the reason for the coming lockdown is the existance of this thread:
The famous 'it shouldn't be hard' line from those unaware of how development works...
And, no.
And there's a thread somewhere where multiplayer discussions burn.
And, inb4 the lock...
No, these games are single player only, with a game companion if you so wish it, I generally only use those as pack mules. It needs to finally sink in that in general we (collectively) want, prefer and only need single player games with Beth like FO3 and FO4. The same goes for Morrwind, Oblivion and Skyrim, please stop these ridiculous multiplayer threads in the one place where single player still reigns supreme and I for one hope it stays like that forever. BW
You are completely ignorant if you think existance of co-op would have no effect on singleplayer experience. You are very, VERY wrong. The whole game now has to be designed with MP as a main aspect and that will lead to more simplifications. Actually let's call it what it really is, dumbing down.
Please use the to discuss multiplayer ideas.