who the hell designed these damn guns?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:36 pm

No it don't have water cooler. [censored] first learn something about guns because you have no [censored] idea.

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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:59 pm

Hi guys, former E5 jarhead here and glad to see some constructive gun-hokerry in this thread :P

First lets talk pig.. and yes it was flawed.. parts that could go in backwards, a bipod attached to the barrel, barrel warping in no time (which got even worse with the M60 E4)

but yeah, I wish it was in the game as well

My take on the (ballistic) weapons in the game goes kinda like this:

Pipe rifles should be built around a given caliber, not the other way round (because with those, first you find the ammo, then you build a weapon to accommodate said munition)

The assault rifle is probably cooled with liquid hydrogen or something similar since water (as we know) is a pretty outdated system. I would have chambered it for at least .308, and upgradeable to .50 cal in keeping with it being a power armor weapon (also a short barreled .50 cal would be pretty sweet :D )

The battle rifle would start out chambered for 5.56mm (upgradeable to a proper .308 cartridge) with semi automatic (civilian) versions chambered in .45ACP and maybe even .38 as a cheaper version.

There should be at least a few .38 revolvers around as well as a couple of semi automatics as well.. not just pipe guns.

And finally there ought to be a few hand guns (revolvers and semi automatics) chambered for the 10mm / .40cal just to round it all out.

anywho, that's all I can think of atm :)


also I thinks this ought to be closed by now ;)


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Toby Green
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:30 pm

If you look at an earlier post of mine it contains a quote of the definition of an assault rifle, the basic F4 'assault rifle' fails to qualify so its by definition not an assault rifle, that plus its weight and visual design (half of its actually a LMG). While its true that the Lewis gun isn't water cooled, I at least was using that as a visual comparison. One of the barrels is actually more WW1 german like while another resembles the Vickers HMG.

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Soraya Davy
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:23 pm

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Honey Suckle
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