Hi Everyone,
so my problem is the following. So far I have "activated" like 10-12 settlements but only really paid attention and put work into Sanctuary Hills.
Sanctuary Hills looks the following for me:
17 Settlers
25 Food
25 Water
119 Defense
50ish Power
Lots of buildings, tons of decoration, level 3 bar, level 2 clothing and general goods.
For the longest time my settlement happiness was at 80-82. Over the weekend now I paid more attention to questing and exploring and I noticed, everytime I was back at Sanctuary Hills, my happiness had dropped to anywhere between 61-69, depending on how long I was gone.
From what I read, happiness around 80 is the max you'll get without doing special things that have to be figured out.
Is there any way to KEEP this level and continue with the main part of the game, or will the absence of me, their major, always result in a constant happiness drop until I show up and spend some time?
edit: Cause I noticed that as soon as I show up and enter the workshop menu, the red arrow of happiness turns up and green just from being there.