Fallout Online – How would that work?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:04 pm

I most certainly would love to see something like this to happen, especially that there is no real post-apocalypse MMO out there. But it would have to be handled properly, better than any other MMO out there even WoW.

There are major factors that need to be considered in order to have this project successful. So I took my time to prepare these ideas that perhaps would work. It’s only my own ideas guys, no need for severe hate if you don’t agree with it.

First and foremost we need:

New Universe - not named after actual places in real life such as Boston or Vegas. However we can still base it on US culture (Nuka-Cola, newspapers, American signs, car styles and all that). The idea is to have all kinds of environments in one Universe close to each other but without making a complete nonsense due to names and locations for example NV environment was rocky desert, so it would be kind of stupid having area locations named after Boston right next to it because we know the Boston is based on the West Coast. We can add some tropical areas, jungle, underground cities, snowy areas, skyscraqer towns, lakes – literally everything what we saw from post-apocalyptic movies such as Planet of the Apes, Mad Max, Escape from LA, Rats: Night of Terror (pretty cool horror), The Thing, Book of Eli, Waterworld, The Road, I am Legend, Snowpiercer etc.

Lore and interesting and engaging storyline – Lore that will make sense but also the lore that will leave plenty room for game development in expansions. How world looked like before, what cause destruction, how radiation affected animals and humans. What new threat emerged, new factions, monsters etc. I think it would be nice to hire some known writer to help out with that.

Zones – We need a lot of zones, I say around 20 zones of the size of Fallout 4 map should cut it. Each different with environment, monsters, factions and different with experience gain as well. I know we can earn 60 levels easily in Fallout 4, but I would like to see maybe 5 levels per zone.

Starting Area – 4 vaults to choose from to avoid over-crowding areas when game come out. Class would be based on character occupation chosen in pre-war world. More about it in class related point.

Quests - The quest model in F4 is really good, I would tweak quest rewards a bit, let players choose what they want, weapon, armor, supplies or caps. Group quests, dungeon quests, clan/guild quests, daily quests. I would introduce same quest model from WoW, not only kill and loot. But also gather 10 of these, escort and so on.

NPC’s – There is plenty room for imagination here. Animal and animal-mutants, humanoids and humanoids-mutants ect. We can use same scheme that WoW use. For example Super Mutants to me reflects Ogres in WoW. We can have differently looked super mutants, differently named, armed, inhabiting different areas, hostile, neutral or friendly giving quests and rewards. All monsters whether hostile or neutral factions would respawn after certain time of being killed.

Factions – Known factions from previous series to tailor main quests around them and also lesser factions with daily quests awarding reputation and on the highest possible reputation awarding certain traits to character for example better armor, guns, vendor discounts, skill related bonuses etc.

Scavenging – More of a bonus I would say. In addition to monster drop, I would like also to see buildings with containers that can be looted BUT the loot would respawn inside containers after x hours after looting in world map. Low level area respawn rate could be a bit faster, while high level areas bit more slowly but at the same time contains higher quality and better value items. Still quests, monster loot and professions would be as a main way to gain wealth.

Healing – Stimpaks for instant in-combat healing with use cooldown. Other than that, out of combat food and drink, maybe bandages.

Traveling – Scrap fast travel, introduce “hearthstone”. And car mounts which require to be fuelled in order to drive it. At the same time make fuel scarce and one of the most valuable and expensive items.

Currency – keep bottle caps, introduce currency sinks like gear repairs, standard wear and tear as well as -10% durability on death as penalty.

Main town hub/ Bartertown – One big town of the size about 10x Diamond City. With possibility to buy own house to store items and of course auction house.

Survival elements – Introduce mandatory eat, drink and sleep. If character is depleted with food it would deal less damage up to say 50%, if character is thirsty then health pool would be depleted up to 50% and lack of sleep would cause character to receive up to 50% extra damage. Each element would drop by 1% every hour. Of course it just a suggestion, but it could be played around.

Weapon and Armor – 9 piece armor, helmet, chestpiece, gloves, bracers, shoulders, belt, pants and boots, rings and necklace, different kinds of armor as well, leather, mail, metal . Physical, poison, radiation, projectile resistance, maybe more mods added to armors. With weapons we would have melee weapons for fast, medium and slow from simple melee weapons such as clubs to army knives, hatchets. Bigger variety I would see on projectile weapons. I really like the weapon progression in F4, however I would add more kinds for example Desert Eagle with magnum ammo as ultimate pistol, jackhammer as ultimate shotgun, more sniper rifle options as well. And energy weapons as the ultimate kinds of weapons with scarce ammo. So basically the more powerful the item is, the ammo is more difficult to acquire.

Junk – junk items that are used for crafting. Some rare and some common. Either acquired from drop or from professions such as skinning dead monsters, picking flowers or glowing mushrooms etc., maybe introducing mine nodes. I believe the good old say “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” would have a good use in here.

Character classes and skills – well, most certainly we can’t have mages, warriors, paladins or warlocks, so that idea would have to be considered thoroughly. My initial thoughts was to pick a class based on pre-war occupation, for example doctor who will be able to patch wounds, heal crippled limbs, create stimpaks and so on and military would have experience in fire arms thus able to create ammo from raw materials and better use of weapons. Each occupation (class) would have own skill tree where it can further develop in specific way.

Races – The “Horde and Alliance” idea seems to be pointless in this case. I would prefer one Universe for all. So play as Human, Super Mutant, Synth and something else.

Strongholds sieges/End game content – instances for 3-5 people or raids for 10 people with more loot, chance for fuel, special items, more experience.

Item rarities – Normal, commonly dropped from any enemy. Uncommon, moderate chance to be dropped from a pack leaders. Rare – normal chance to be dropped by stronghold bosses also as low world drop. Unique – normal chance to be dropped by 10 man sieges, also very low world drop. Legendary – Very low chance from top bosses in 10 man sieges.

Guild/gangs/clans – Own clan settlements with farms and water supply which would require players to work on farms to grow food.

PvP – PvP arenas, PVP servers (that would be funny especially when camping by oil rig for fuel to respawn ;D), duels. I am not a big duellist enthusiast but I would suggest some melee arena in underground of barter town where people can place bets on themselves, something similar to brawler guild in WoW but against each other or PvE.

Crafting – Different professions, health drug maker (stimpaks,radx,buffout), armor maker, weapon maker, item mods maker, mount maker, cook and so on. Lots of options here.

And last but not least…

World map suggestion


I fully understand that most of the ideas are heavily based on World of Warcraft, however the WoW model proves to be the most successful due to extreme variety that suits all kinds of people, however there can be also a lot of other unique ideas, not present in any other MMO. And I do believe trying to cross the line and create “next gen” MMO would be one of the biggest achievements, and it would be definitely huge success for Bethesda, which actually care about their customers.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:19 pm

Font, dude. No one is gonna struggle thru that scrawl.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:24 pm

Multiplayer? No thankyou please.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:17 pm

Fallout online would just boil down to 1) build a base in the faction of your choosing 2) get it destroyed by someone from another faction 3) grind for three weeks to rebuild it 4) get it destroyed by someone ten levels above you 5) rinse and repeat, gah

Actually, I wouldn't mind if Fallout had like Borderlands 2, where you could "drop in" to a friends game and help them out. But It wouldn't work with Fallout's quest system.

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Annick Charron
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:13 am

I didn't read your post cause of one reason:

Please no! For gods sake, NO MMO!

Every MMO based on a single-player game, totally ruined the single-player game.

WoW was the reason for no Warcraft 4 (now Blizz is thinking of it, as WoW just looses abos more and more..)

Star Wars: ToR was death to a new KotoR (what a shame!)

TESO will have a massive impact on the next ES to come, you will see!

A Fallout MMO will just completely screw up the franchise, so pls no...just no...

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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:03 pm

just would not work. Fallout was not and never made to be a mmo, and it never will be. There is too many out as it is. They consume your life and are a plague on this generation

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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:58 pm

Like GTA V Online, the greatest game ever made.

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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:41 pm

No not every game needs online or a spin off MMO. Some games should remain single player and Fallout is one those(but so was TES and they [censored] that up)

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:12 pm

It would get off to a rocky start with unstable servers and people being banned for no reason. Go free to play after a few months and shut down about a year and a half later.

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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:54 am

In the end it would have to be a clone of the 1001 MMO's already out there - gameplay-wise.

Lot's of grinding and ultimately a boring experience.

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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:09 pm

It doesn't have to be. I still believe that great MMO is still there to be created and World of Warcraft (while successful) is a merely discovering new waters. All we need to do to have this is succesful is to gather all the best ideas from other MMOs and put it all together and then introduce something new. People are more likely trying something what they are familiar with.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:39 pm

It wouldn't work. Look at Elder Scrolls Online, not saying it is completely bad. It has good elements, but its still a flop, even for a huge franchise such as TES. If you have the name to sell something, then atleast make it a good game to sell the name on. Anywho most MMO's are going down, its only the niche market that works like EVE etc. And that is fine, but we don't need more of them out there.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:30 pm

That would require a company spending a considerable amount of money on developing an MMO with a new, untested and rather risky game model while NOT choosing a tested model for a predictable return-of-investment.

Sorry for being pessimistic, but I don't see that happen.

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Chad Holloway
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:25 pm

No - It would be horrid. Worse than that spin-off known as....''ESO''

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u gone see
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:44 pm

There already is one (sort of) ... ESO. And it's a bad Wow clone with terrible management. I don't think there has been a MMO that has changed basic concepts so many times as ESO did. And considering how ignorant Fallout 4 devs are towards PC players, can you imagine what clustersix that would turn out with Fallout? A console MMO with no support for keyboard, or something similar.

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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:03 am

All mmo's that have been supported on console has had keyboard support........most pretty much require it.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:37 pm

NO PLZ NO, i dont care if u have night fantasy about Fallout Online, but after watching what they did with ESO, HELL NO.

Let Fallout be a single player game, and PLZ make another ES single player.

Online game dont help franchise they kill it.

I agree WoW is a good mmogame, but hell i wish there was a Warcraft 4-5-6

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:13 pm


I'm sorry but why does everybody try to make everything online now? The beauty of these games is they're supposed to be fantasy/sci-fi fiction and that's how it should stay.

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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:17 pm

look after playing each and every single mmo game that come out in this past 10 years. WoW is a copy of Ultima and everything thing else been copy WoW.

So yeah mmo are a cancer right now.

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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:03 pm

It wouldn't work.

Not even "It just works" would make it work.

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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:58 pm

i want to take a moment of silence for KotoR T.T i really was hoping for a 3 part but THANKS TO MMO they ruin it.

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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:35 pm

It just doesn't work! Todd Howard on ESO. I am sure of it.

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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:14 pm

This is the only FO-MMO I'd wanna play

Updated your categories
New Universe - Not Required, we will be back in the capital wastes
Lore and interesting and engaging storyline – Lore exists and doesn't need changing, pure sandbox mmo.
Zones – Only need the capital wastes
Starting Area – Vault 108
Quests - Only one quest is required: Kill anyone who isn't you.
NPC’s – Standard Fallout NPCs
Factions – Known factions from previous series. (agreed took out unnessessary bits)
Scavenging – Loot is not required
Healing – Just Stims
Traveling – Just walking
Currency – Bottlecaps
Main town hub/ Bartertown – Vault 108
Survival elements – Eat what you kill
Weapon and Armor – 1 Vault suit (Vault 108), and one weapon
Junk – No need for junk
Character classes and skills – No Classes, skills needed.
Races – Human
Strongholds sieges/End game content – Anything outside of vault 108
Item rarities – Not required
Guild/gangs/clans – Vault 108 and it's inhabitants
PvP – No PvP, see quests section above.
Crafting – Not required

In addition
Character Name: Gary (A number will be assigned to you)

Player feature customization: None
All speach options & text to chat with other players will be converted to variations of "Gary"
Voice Actor for PC: Jeff Baker
hardcoe mode: if you die you will start over with a new character.

In conclusion

... Gaaaarrrryyy!!

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:53 pm

All multiplayer and co-op discussion of the game belongs in http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1512524-fallout-multiplayer-discussion-thread/page-7?hl=%2Bmultiplayer#entry24565480 Please feel free to join in that discussion.

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