Apparently shotguns are classed as rifles also so close combat could be fun with grenades and shotguns.
Any ideas for a rough special layout? With some gun and armour modding.
nades, rifles, guns and armor you don't need anything else. Maybe toughness so you don't blow yourself up and sneak to pick up mines. Too bad you can't deconstruct mines. Snipers and others say they do use them tho. Barter or scrounger in case you need to buy more explosives.
Rifleman perk (3/5) + Ninja (2/3) = awesome for sniper rifles like the Relentless 50 cal Sniper Rifle. It does 306 DMG and with VATS on a critical shot it owns. svcks that 50 cal ammo is rare. But I like using the Recon 45 Pipe sniper rifle that pretty much one shots any raider that does 70 DMG. For quests and close combat I like using the Combat Rifle with 52 DMG non sneak but still does a lot of damage even when backing up. Level 23 PS4.
Rare? I get 50 cal nearly in every second ammo container and have around 1500 bullets even tho i use it quite a lot. The ones I actually have a problem with are .44 cal. I never have enough ammo for tht damn pistol.
Might wanna keep a missile launcher and/or fatman if you're investing in Demolition Expert since those perks will increase their damage which btw stacks with Heavy Gunner.
Ah I was wondering wether they go with demolition or heavy gunner, but it's both yes? Talk about Op lol
I like to visit the spawn location for the Snub .44 regularly so I have a few - they make perfect Settler guns - accurate, big damage right out of the box, even more with minor mods - the gun spawns in with a box of .44 ammo, and Settlers only need one round each.
While it's easily my favorite pistol looks-wise (with the full upgrade), the rarity of ammo makes it a showpiece for me. I get to see it in action during Raids, tho.
There's an upgrade for body armor that reduces damage from explosions, and it is very powerful. I would bear that in mind if specializing in explosives, as its way more effective than spending lots of perks trying to raise DT for the same effect.
Explosives are a serious life saver at low levels when your gun ain't cutting in. Love chucking a Molotov into a room, waiting for couple of seconds and then calmly walking in seeing all the dead bodies lying around.