Nearly 35 hours into the game I've suddenly noticed a circle of light that irradiates from my character in about a ten feet radius. It moves along with you making it feel like there a light bulb over your head at all times. I don't know if this was there all along but now I can't unsee it and it is quite annoying. You could be in a totally unlighted area and there's always light. It even shines of metallic objects so it's not like the game is making the way "clearer" for me. It is an actual light source coming from my character.
I've looked around for brightness level settings and it seems that the game doesn't have any (wtf)
I've also tried lowering the brightness on my TV but that doesn't seem to work either.
I remember there was a setting on the PS3 that made everything darker in unlighted spaces like caves and abandoned buildings and made night time more authentic. Is there a similar setting on the PS4?
I've looked around but can't find anything.
I'm on PS4. Any help would be appreciated.