Hey Bethesda,
Can you please fix it so that we don't have to manually assign beds to people that are in the settlements? I can see this being a major problem when trying to get the trophy/achievement for 100% happiness in a large settlement. It's virtually impossible to keep track of who is assigned to which bed, and when (in my case) you have way more beds than settlers, there shouldn't be any complaints from the NPCs about there being a "lack of beds." I can personally barely get my settlements past 75% because people keep whining about there not being enough beds, and it drops the happiness level down 20-30% in some cases.
It's awful enough to have implemented idiotic micro-managing into this game (because there's not enough to do in it already?), which is one of the worst things to do in video games in my opinion, but to force people to manually assign something as trivial as a bed to just maintain a pointless statistic is utterly ridiculous.
And even then, when I do get it to where they stop complaining about the beds, it breaks itself, and I have to re-assign people.
So again... fix this, please.