Is anyone continuing past main story completion? Or reroll?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:09 pm

Just as the title reads, wanted to get an idea of what the game is actually like post level 50.

I just beat the main story today (level 42) and ive gotta say, the overall difficulty of the game felt VERY underwhelming. I essentially had it on survival from 20-40 and the game was still WAY too easy.. hundreds upon hundreds of stimpacks and food literally unused, my lifegiver perk is enough with how easy enemies were.. And i do mean outside of power armor as well.

That being said, I really would love to start up my next character (ive got ideas for a few) but to be totally honest.. Im almost not looking forward to how easy the game is going to be again.

On some site I was visiting a guy was posting about how excruciatingly hard the game becomes after level 50, to the point where if you actually screwed up your build and didnt think it out in those easy levels, you are just flat out boned.

Can I get some opinions on this? If there is a challenge to be presented by sticking it out through the boring easy levels, I want to know. It might change my thinking and have me just main the one character.

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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:32 pm

Bethesda's games are not difficult or challenging in any way. The game is not going to change or introduce new systems past level 50. It is only going to become more and more tedious, because Beth's idea of difficulty, and level scaling is to simply increase the health and damage of enemies.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:03 pm

Right, so then in that way you think I should just reroll and look for methods of making it harder on myself right? That was my original idea...

Like no mod runs.. or beat the game before level 20 on survival runs.. im on PS4 so modding the game isnt an option.

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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:03 pm

It's different for everyone. On this same front page there's someone talking about how hard it is. Really tough to gauge it based on personal skill and opinion of what is difficult. Also, wtf does "essentially had it on survival from 20-40" mean? You either did or you didn't lol unless I missed the 'kinda survival' mode hidden somewhere

Personally, I find it enjoyable. Some things can really wreck me if I'm not prepared but it still hasn't been anything "hard" enough for me to turn down the difficulty. But I wouldn't say it's easy either.

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Shae Munro
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:57 pm

Yeah, the secret to enjoying sandbox games is to make your own game with the systems they offer. Challenge runs are a good idea. I prefer exploration and story telling. Some people like making collections. Others grind until they have the perfect character. There is a lot more to the game than just following the quest lines.

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Lynette Wilson
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