So i've started doing this quest for bobbi in goodneighbor, she's digging a tunnel, seems simple enough, i was happy to help.
And then the next stage of the quest comes, and sh informed me that the tunnel is going to dig into the mayor's vault
I refuse. I like Mayor McDonough, and i like diamond city. I refuse to undermine it, i want out of this quest. There was no option to refuse her or back out at that point though.
So i tried shooting her in the face. Apparently that makes the whole town go crazy though, they don't seem to notice, or care that i'm fighting a forbidden ghoul, they all take her side. Ugh.
Is there any proper way to get out of this quest? Can i turn her in to the mayor, or betray her or something? I suppose i could just never do the quest, but i hate leaving unfinished business.