little replay value? how about you tell everyone what game you think has more replay value then a bethesda game?
little replay value? how about you tell everyone what game you think has more replay value then a bethesda game?
I find it hilarious how "true RPG" fans tend to see themselves as kings among peasants. "What was that? You actually like 'streamlined' games? Well you are obviously some idiot who cant appreciate a proper RPG experience."
I have played many RPG games such Knights of the Old Republic, Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, and Dragon Age. Each RPG has its own gameplay elements that help define its structure. Even though Fallout 4 may not include as many "number crunching" features as other games, I still consider it to be an RPG. For me at least, and RPG is a game that allows me to build my character in anyway I choose while making my own decisions in a world I can freely explore. In Fallout 4, I can design any specialized playstyle for my character whether he be a hi-tech crafter, a melee ninja, a sweet talker, ect. I can choose who I want to help and who I want to destroy. I can even traverse a massively detailed world filled with many interesting locations. For me, that's all I need for it to be considered an RPG.
Even if this game is not an RPG, then I would just like to be blunt and say, so what? As long as the game is fun and retains at least some resemblance of the past games, shouldn't that be all that matters? Is it really impossible for people to enjoy a game that is anything other than a "proper RPG"? If that is the case, then that svcks for you. I personally am having a blast with Fallout 4. It does lack in some areas, I will admit. However, it also offers much to players. It has a greatly detailed map, dynamic companions, good shooting, better voice acting, addictive crafting, amazing lighting, fun quests, and a rewarding level system. Maybe people should try to look at a game for what it is instead of constantly berating it for what it isn't.
Fallout is what Bethesda tells us what Fallout is, not what some disgruntled fans say it is.
I can't stand current CoD games, yet I loved the first ones, the first ones were single player centric and the annual instalment they have now is multiplayer oriented.
Doesn't mean it's not CoD any more, just means I stopped playing that series.
Welcome to Bethesda open world games. Or to be correct: The Bethesda open world game. They have been re-releasing the same game with different titles since 2002.
None of the bugs and design mistakes will ever be fixed. There are bugs in FO4 that have been in the game since Oblivion. And bad design carried over all the way from Morrowind.
Er.. how about all of the Bethesda games before this one?
I'm not sure how I'd play the game differently the next time around other than I might do my settlements a bit better as I know more about them now than I did when I stared this run through. As for the character? I’ve yet to feel a real tangible difference when selecting perks in FO4. I don’t use pwar armour because I’m not playing mech warrior, so what else is there? How would you play it differently on – say 3 run throughs to level 35?
It might sound a bit harsh, but the op actually did sum up alot bugs and problems that need fixing....
So i wouldn't troll too much, cause he's right about alot of points on this one.
Still an amazing game, but those problems are simply given.
If u can accept that bugs happen... even a [censored]load, then u can still have alot fun, like me.
But it dousn't change the fact, that they're there. ^^