The title is pretty much self explanatory but I'll try to keep this as clear as possible so most people don't freak out about it.
To begin with, I am personaly disapointed with how the story and the dialogue system in fallout 4 turned out to be.
Shallow storyline, confusing options in conversations that mostly end up being nothing you would expect and in some cases may even compromise your gameplay, lack of freedom on your choices wich, reportadly, impared people from approaching the world in any other way then ''the good guy'' stance.
I haven't finished the game yet but I'm far enough in the storyline to see that these problems are too appearent to be left as they are, therefore, I would propose that Bethesda should try the episodic approach in the future for the sake of better quality in their story and also going back to the old dialogue system.
What I mean by episodic is pretty much what you guys will proboly think when it comes to a Telltale type of game, evry few months Bethesda would release another chapter of the Main Campaing as polished and immersive as possible but also keeping a resonable profit to cover the costs and at the same time prolonging the life span of the game in the process.
EDIT: To avoid confusion, the open world will still be a factor but more content would be avaible with each new release of the episodic campaing.
I know people would hate to pay for a campaing this way, but considering the size of a game as Fallout with its rich details and immersive world (the story apart of course) wouldn't be more benefitial to have the world better presented with better graphics, a good and well made introduction to the world and its characters, more relatable companions and factions and maybe even a bigger world we already play with?
Wouldn't that be worthy a few more bucks ?
I can't say the costs involved in making a game such as this, but, as a personal opinion of someone who research alot about video games, its defnetly not cheap. Its however up to choices and self management of a company to make their work live up to their's and the public's expectations and I truly belive Bethesda tried its best to make Fallout 4 the best way they could with the time they had.
Unfortnatly not evrything came out as well as it should've been...
Let me know your opinions below and don't froget to vote !