2 weeks and there is the first beta patch...

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:45 am

Why would they spend time and resources fixing bugs when the community will do it for them for free? If you think about it as a business decision - and it IS a business decision - the reasons why so many non game-breaking bugs won't be addressed is obvious. Even though they are a privately held company, they still value the bottom line significantly more than their customer base. It's just a matter of economics, it isn't personal.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:03 pm

Call me a child all you want. The energy you pour into insulting me is a blessing to all.

So to address you specific example, how did it get past QA? Maybe it's not that common. Yeah, you can find examples of it on forums, but how many users is that in the total user pool? Essentially, there are some bugs that only millions of logged hours and permutations will expose.

So we've exposed a bug. Great, now there's more research that needs to be done an three platforms to developer a fix for, then a regression test. Because if people are justifiably angry over a bug, just wait until a fix breaks more stuff.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:16 am

2 weeks for the first patch is pretty okay. Im sure there's a lot of fixes that are in progress right now but are still in testing. I think a lot of people assume that fixing a bug is as simple as flipping a switch somewhere in the games code, its not. You have to test to make sure you didn't break X number of other things while you were doing what you were working on. Thats how you get the backwards flying dragons in Skyrim with that one patch, and even then thats compounded by the fact that it broke for a certain percentage of people with certain whatevers of whatever whereas me back in late 2011 or so never had a backwards dragon at all. Getting a fix to work for everyone and then also not break everything for everyone takes a lot of man hours.

Maybe someone who has seen the inside of a game dev studio can talk about how it actually is, I think we have one in the post above mine, because Ive done the exact amount of programming required to know that its way too frustrating for me to do. But two weeks is great, starting a slow march to eradicating whatever bugs still linger.

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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:16 pm

Bethesda good at fixing its stuff, just give them more time. I am more than sure they are busy scampering away on this one. The settlements however will more than likely be an after thought. They pride themselves on the Adv. not the building. Which in my opinion is a HUGE mistake but its their squirrel bites they can cook them how they want to :D.

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loste juliana
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:03 am

The terminal stuck bug is there there. Just happened to me. So I will continue to Quick Save, before activating any terminal.

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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:31 pm

Good PR. They can afford to hire a small team of developers solely to fix bugs in recently released games. They make more than enough money to do so. They choose not to.

Corporations are evil. They value money over all else. Yeah, that is how it is. No, that is still not acceptable, and certainly not something anyone should defend.


Bethesda stopped patching Skyrim after a year and a half, and they didn't fix many issues at all. Bethesda is making millions, if not billions from their franchises, and employs people specifically to develop games for them. In less than 2 years after Skyrim was released, http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Patch is all that they did to maintain their game.

Compare that to http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/Unofficial%20Skyrim%20Patch%20Version%20History.html, which was all done by hobbyists in their spare time. For free. After they had already paid Bethesda $60 for a "working product".

That is just not acceptable. It isn't, in any way, shape, or form. No matter how good you think their games are, their inability to maintain their games should offend you.
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:53 pm

They do not need blessings, they can clearly see the kind of passive aggressive childish arguments you make for themselves.

Most of these bugs are not minor annoyances, but game breaking and attached to quest. Quest are normally something that are rigorously tested during QA. Can some slip through, absolutely. But the amount here assures one of the two things of what I already pointed out. You are arguing that millions( exaggeration much ) of logged hours are needed in order for Bethesda to fix bugs while ignoring that is precisely the point of QA on the developers side before release. You are also ignoring these are bugs that were found on day one by users barely clocked into the game.

Will any game release bug free, no. But its the kind of bugs that slip through that speaks volumes about a developers QA or lack thereof.

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Steve Bates
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:23 am


Wait until a patch breaks more stuff? How long have you been gaming? Because in the 39 years I've been gaming, from the original 1976 release of PONG home edition, Atari, Commodore, NES, Sega, XBOX, XBOX 360... yes, I've seen patches that broke the game worse. You know what happened to those companies? They went under. The gaming industry companies USED to go under for putting out garbage games especially if their patches did even more damage. Today? Kids buy games regardless of it works, if it gets fixed, and whine if people actually want a game TO work. It's SO bad today that in one game I was playing online the company put out "new content" monthly that was bugged and didn't work. They did this every single month for stuff people paid to get. And then they asked what else the kids wanted put out. Us advlts responded, "hey, how about FIXING the stuff that's 8 months old and never had a patch before putting out MORE bugged content?" And the kids? They CRIED how all they care about is new content! Of course, these are the same kids that don't buy cars, because if they did Detroit would never need to be bailed out by the government because advlts stopped buying garbage and paid a little more for cars that were actually made with quality.

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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:48 am


Not MMO, but still counts. Having done beta testing for upcoming patches on a certain game, I know full well that fixing - or even finding - bugs isn't that easy for internal QA. They can't play the hours upon hours of content in this game in every conceivable combination of levels, perks, gear, quest decisions, hardware, and all that to reproduce every bug in the playthroughs of millions of people by themselves - I see threads here by people who didn't encounter any major bugs their entire run, which is unlikely but entirely possible.

That said, some bugs - like the obvious typos in, say, Yao Guai Meat, Killshot, Big Leagues 5 - really should be addressed faster.

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Amiee Kent
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:58 am

Sounds good for a first patch.

The only real issues I have is settlement management, which technically isn't a bug, but more of general improvements to the game, apart from plants going dead. (*)

I did have have near constant Crashes To Desktop, when I upgraded to the socalled gameready nvidia driver released day before game release (?). I had been using a couple of versions older driver, which worked well enough. Fixed by reinstalling the 2nd last nvidia driver (at that time).

(*) For plants going dead. Might I suggest a few different planters, where plants can snap to. A version that you can put anywhere.... and versions that function as a floor, with and without support. so you can create eg. a flat garden og plateaued gardens. Eg. in the sizes 1x1, 1x2 and 2x2 or whatever will work with animations. More of a workaround really.

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:34 am

The thing Bethesda needs to focus on is fixing the Console versions because its a given modders will fix the PC version like they do most of their other games but the Console version dont have the same luck.

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