I know there wiil be mod for high resolution texture pack....
but like skyrim, it will be nice just get official edition...
PC version only use 2G video memory, and it look very blurry
I know there wiil be mod for high resolution texture pack....
but like skyrim, it will be nice just get official edition...
PC version only use 2G video memory, and it look very blurry
I was wondering about this too, texture size doesn't have much of a framerate impact, the the vanilla textures are screaming for an HD version, all the detail work is just totally smudgy and unclear...
It would make the game graphically look so much better.
I do not think any are needed.
If they do add it I just consider it a bonus. I preferred the Official Skyrim HD pack to any of the mods since the mods were all over the place in quality and I noticed more on the graphics which took away from getting lost in the game world. Those mods did look quite good but as whole it just did not fit for me.
There are HD textures on Nexus. There will be more. I think it's better if they work on other things.
Not HD enough apparently
Some textures are still pretty blurry and not too detailed when you get close.
PC HD not Ps4
Yes some things are shockingly blurry. Other threads spawned on this as well
I hope so, the textures really need to be nicer on the PC. We can take it.
I like how people think a texture pack makes a game look new. The lighting effects etc which this game has plenty of really make the difference and that's why F4 looks great. We've put HD skins on games like Thief before and it still makes the game look crap. Textures aren't everything.
Just give us HD and stop making consoley excuses