What country are you from Wacka? I have a sneaking suspicioun that the ad is geo-targeted to the US only, or atleast not in the UK, cause I've been spamming the ads as much as possible and have yet to come across it.
Tweaks were made to the ads yesterday afternoon, perhaps you could try browsing the site now and seeing if you still come across it? Even knowing it's still there would be a great help.
Am from the US aswell and was getting them once in awhile. Since yesterday its been hassle free so your mad powerful tweaking skills seem to have obliterated the problem into nothingness :bowdown: Thanks DarkOne.
There are other sites like Photobucket which are getting them constantly and even MSN has them popping up.
Thanks WackaMacka for the heads up :icecream: :cake: :icecream: