Same six relationships?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:36 pm

As I mentioned before, interracial couples were not illegal in Boston in the 1950s, but illegal in Texas in the 1950s. It is debatable whether that is a lisbian couple in the trailer since they could be sisters. As far as that open lisbian couple goes, it is in a post-apocalyptic wasteland so things like survival and defending against raiders, feral ghouls, and super mutant attacks are more important than someone's sixual preference or religion. Here is a Wastelanders reaction to someone coming out.

A: I don't know how to say this, but I am gay.

B: Who cares.

A: It took me forever to work up the courage to come out of the closet and now you are telling me that my fear was completely misguided?

B: Fraid so. Now pick up that Laser Rifle. Raiders are about to attack.

As far as racism goes, there is a ton of that in Fallout. Except that instead of being racist against African Americans or Asians, it is against Ghouls and Synths.

The 1950s argument is important since Fallout is based around our view of what the 1950s would consider the future to be. People bias their view of the future on the values they have. Since the 1950s is intolerable to gays, then 2077 would be intolerable to gays as well. However, 2078 won't be since the complete destruction of civilization is a great way of removing all cultural norms.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:36 am

Ok, so by your logic in this statement:

laser rifles and laser guns, power armor, nuclear fusion and hovering robots should be totally removed from the game since they didn't exist in 1950 (and still don't exist today in this form).

You are saying that since the 1950s was intolerable to gays, that 2077 should be as well. ok. So you can find a way to mentally work around the anachronistic advancement of physics and radiological engineering, biomechanical engineering, and mechanical engineering to an extreme fantastic level, but two dudes falling in love has to be stricken to a 1950's mentality?

Am I missing your point? I mean no offense, and I hope I am missing it to be honest.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:18 pm

Who is talking about a long and elaborate "coming out" story? We're talking about whether or not it was good form to force our character into a marriage with a kid when nothing remotely close to that level of backstory detail had been done before. We're talking about whether or not making major life choices for us takes something away or not. For many, the answer is yes. It's not my character. It's a named and voiced protagonist that I can never really 'own'. That's it. Even whether the character is hetero or not, a major choice has been made. I married a woman named Nora who becomes a housewife. I married a man named Nolan who is in the military. We named our son Shaun (which is a name I hate). We can't even change the name of the kid! Thanks, elaborate voice acting.

None of those things may have ever actually happened for any of us, regardless of whether we are straight or gay.

Things like "I had a father and he bolted so I'm off to find him" or "I had a job and was shot in the head" - those are are the kinds of things that make for a nice, ambiguous backstory while still giving you something to seek. Why they broke from that? Who knows. They never said.

The fact remains though, that this particular story wasn't really well-received by most critics across the board - whether it's because it's not really "our" character or because there's really no actual bonding with this family we're supposed to love and it's hard to care about them - it's not a good story. Definitely not their best work and definitely alienates a portion of the playerbase who liked making up their own backstory.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:49 am

How does Fallout is based around our view of what the 1950s would consider the future to be equate to the removal of all laser guns, power armor, nuclear fusion, and hovering robots? We are dealing with what we think 1950s Science Fiction is not what existed in the 1950s.

What I am saying is that Fallout is based on what we perceive 1950s Science Fiction to be and that means 1950s values. The values that a Science Fiction story has is based on the values of the creator. Fallout is based on 1950s mentality with the anti-communist propaganda and blatant racism. Advanced technology and human males falling love with alien babes is common with 1950s science fiction, but two dudes falling in love is not something that was talked about. . Depending on where someone lived it could be completely ignored or discriminated against. The 1950s were great for white heterosixual males, but no one else. Considering our history of interracial marriage becoming available in 1960s and gay marriage legalized in all states this year, it is not surprising if a world based on 1950s values to not have legalized gay marriage in 2077, but have interracial marriage available by then. Since lot of states were kicking and screaming against legalizing gay marriage, then it wouldn't be surprising if gay marriage wasn't legalized until 2077 in those states if they didn't get a boot to the rear. So if our world is still this messed up, then the Fallout universe with its 1950s values not having legalized gay marriage in 2077 is not surprising. Besides, there are console commands and there will be mods that allows for 2 male or female parents.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:31 am

" The 1950s were great for white heterosixual males, but no one else."

WASP was the popular term. White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Religion was a big part of 50's America, Jews, Catholics, and Atheists need not apply. As for Gay, back then the word meant you were happy, other terms were used, none I will mention here, that were not flattering at all. Many married just so they fit in. The 50's were perceived as the "Golden Years" but only for those that fit into that very narrow WASP concept.

Speaking of religion, I know for PC reasons it has been avoided like crazy but Religion was a vital center piece of the 50's culture and it is hardly even mentioned in the Fallout series outside the nut case Atom worshipers.

By the way I know not just from reading about the 50’s but yes, at the risk of aging myself, I lived it.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:03 pm

Is there a time delay in Romance ability regarding advancement in the main quest? I have Piper and her perk, asked her for the romance option plenty of times but always got rebuffed. That happens with a Charisma setting of 13.

The reason I asked is that I delayed advancing the main quest and only just finished "Reunions" so I thought maybe there is a delay on the account it might be "too soon" for the character (subjectively)

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:17 pm

My character is a man [censored], he literally sleeps with anyone he can guy or girl XD. At first i did it cause i thought that was the only way to get their perks when i found out that wasn't the case i said [censored] it, i've already done Curie, Cait, and Danse, might as well do Preston and the rest as well XD.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:41 pm

Right now, my current character Alyssa is bisixual (headcanon), but the only person prewar who knew was Nate. That means that now she has plenty of time to get some lady lovin.


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