I have seen a lot of negative reviews on this weapon but I am heavily using it and slicing through multiple death claws with it (playing on Normal so neither me or the AI has a damage advantage). I still have a Science rank 3 so I cant fully upgrade it yet. What exactly is peoples issue with it? I find that in short bursts at medium range its still really accurate and I don't have the charged barrels mod yet. At short ranges you can obviously go to town with it.
The only downside is that it uses Fusion Cores as ammo but I have the 3/3 Nuclear Physassist perk which ensures that my PA cores last a long time. Unfortunately it does not give you more ammo for the Gatling Laser.
Has anyone else had my success with it? Maybe people are using it with the Heavy Weapons perk?
PS does the Commando Perk also apply to miniguns/ Gatling Lasers? They are full automatic but they are Heavy Weapons.