*Sigh* another complaint

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:19 pm

before i start id like to say i absolutely LOVE this game. i am not saying i don't like it at all i actually love this game and have already dumped over 4 days worth of hours into the game and i haven't even beaten the entire main story line and i also love bethesda they're actually my second favorite gaming company of all time. I'm simply writing this as a small rant on something i can't stand within the game and hopefully i can make you, the reader, crack a smile in aggreeance and perhaps be able to relate.

with that out the way, Preston… Preston Garvey… Mr. Garvey… I'm warning you now… if sanctuary hills has another "ghoul problem" I'm going to solve the problem… for the ghouls… the thing that is pissing me off about this recurring quest is that the locations that have the ghouls inside ARE NOWHERE NEAR SANCTUARY!!! HOW IS A LOCATION EVEN FURTHER SOUTH THAN CAMBRIDGE A THREAT TO YOU!!!Bethesda if you want a recurring mission to add filler and hours to the game and give the player another thing to do I'm ok with that really i am but AT LEAST HAVE THEM MAKE SENSE!!! also it kinda just pisses me off that a settlement with extremely high defense (100-150) including multiple missile turrets, guard posts, pressure triggered traps, spot lights everywhere, and a couple settlers with missile launchers and miniguns (not to mention a couple quite powerful companions such as strong and paladin danse) cannot defend themselves against a couple pipe pistol and switchblade wielding raiders. it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. just do it yourselves you lazy cowards! I'm so sick of having to travel half way across the map to kill like 3 ghouls it. its one thing if its a close by location, i wouldn't mind as much, but literally half way across the commonwealth 3 feral ghouls "threatening" a sanctuary hills with a 150+ settlement? come on make it stop -_-.

also (not really a complaint) maybe this can be put in an update but i think it'd be really cool to have guard robots. like a guard sentry bot or a protectron to add defense points to a settlement just like they are in game like they have a little station or pod they come out of and you can connect a terminal to the pod to control them. idk i think it'd be a really cool idea.

i apologize if this is considered a spoiler it wasn't intended to be.

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Chloe Botham
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:51 pm

Yea, I had one for a different settlement where the threat was literally across the map. It's like dude, what did you do to piss these people off that they are coming all the way over here to raid your piddly ass settlement instead of literally dozens of better options en route?

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Jennifer Rose
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