Does anyone else feel rather cheated that the Fallout 3 schism between the west and east coast was all but retconned away?
Granted, most people say (and I agree) the Pride were somewhat the designated 'good guy' in Fallout 3 and that needed some more nuance but just reversing the idea between games makes much of what the player did in Fallout 3 feel totally invalidated. Not to mention that the Brotherhood's continuing civil war would have made a great addition to this story. Even if this was always the plan the fact it happens so matter-of-factly and that there are no hangovers or holdouts, and that the transition back was so anticlimactically simple cheapens a number of characters in FO3; Three Dog, Madison Li, Star Paladin Cross, the Lyons' and most of those dedicated to Project Purity to name but a few.
If the Brotherhood of the East Coast had ramped up opperations, become more proactive outside of their homeland? Become slightly more morally ambiguous in an attempt to protect what they'd struggled and died for en masse? I get it, but the notion they could just reunite like that off screen and not have any lingering issues? Not impressed.