1. you can just get the wood out of the workbench and take it to other settlements.
2. you can set up supply lines to share material from all settlements
3. Your welcome
there is literally 20+ pages of tutorials in the help section. the game doesnt old your hand. If you want to learn, the material is there, if not then the game doesnt force you to learn.
to my knowledge, supply lines only shared base materials (wood, steel, copper) and not the actual junk or items themselves, i.e. weapons, abraxo etc..
My reply is meant for his situation, not every situation ever. He has 2K, which means he can transfer around 200 wood a fast travel. more depending on perks and if he gives his companion some.
Yes, drop that stuff on the ground and salvage it. (Don't do this with Codsworth as your companion.)
Yeah. While I may not be able to pick up a FAN in the Castle, that I deposited in Sanctuary, I CAN access the screws from it in the Castle.
A few resources that aren't shared, as far as I've seen? Caps, mostly. Ammo. Weapons (not sure that the game will auto-scrap a weapon or armor).
Don't feel that way. I'm still learning how all this stuff works. Yesterday, I spent several hours building a new "house" now that I saw what the concrete block can do! All that work, only to reload this evening from a previous save because I just realized you don't need the floor+4 posts+roof prefab to construct. Just the floor and roof, and have a much more open area.
I think a tutorial would have been nice if only to save from having to reload from a previous save, but at the same time, there's a little satisfaction in learning this stuff given my character did just come out of a 200 year slumber.
I do manually transport materials all the time as I have no plans for my current character to reach CHR 6 (to get the Local Leader perks for supply lines) and I realize this is my only viable option. It's tedious, but by no means a "nightmare". Now if you are strictly following a No Fast Travel policy it might fall into the nightmare category.
If you are playing on PC just use the batch file on Fallout 4 Nexus to give you X amount of every resource; cuts down on the p.i.t.a-factor and you don't have to invest in charisma or its perks. You can then just store a stockpile of varying size at any settlements of your choosing without having to move it around yourself.
Some will call this cheating, but I consider it to be ridding myself of the tedium forced upon me by the game's overemphasis on junk items paired with being forced to have to set up and maintain more than one settlement through the Minutemen quests.
Just some friendly advice.