Welll, unfortunately there are folks who disagree for one reason or another, or just don't "see" it
personally my rebuttal is, for all intents and purpose a little (A LOT) more depth to the game
wouldn't hurt YOU at all, you might like it as much as you like the settlement builder mechanic
or how power armor works.....you know the stuff people have been pining for, the stuff mods
brought for the first two Beth/Obsid Fallout games on Gamebryo.
you liked those mechanics right? then what the actual hell is the problem with more of this?
Fallout hark Bethesda Games since Oblivion have been FANTASTIC GAMES but shallow
on everything else, Morrowind wasn't a GREAT GAME, but it is damned awesome in the
Ambition it had that are only rivaled by this focus on Graphics and pandering.
That said Fallout 4 has some interesting directions I enjoy, long asked for features since time memorial even
Heavy Armor sinks
Piece meal Armor
Settlement Building
Locational damage
Wound states
etc etc all awesome things, BLUNTED by streamlined aspects complained also since time memorial.
again, Great Game, not much imo on other aspects, and the aspects imo deemed to add depth would have no negative baring
on folks who enjoy the (re)added features.
P.S I still play with a stupid grin on my face like a
but hey, anyway the planned "expansion" packs will be nice