A Positive Review Of Fallout 4

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:12 am

I have to say after clocking in at over 48 hours i would like to quickly share my thoughts on the game.

I have seen alot of people on this Forum bashing the game because its not like the old ones but i would like to say that i love it and it is better than Fallouts 3 and New Vegas.

Bethesda have really outdone themselves. Fallout 4 presents a world sprawling with life and action. It is a beautiful game to look at and i have to say i cant see why people hate it besides it been the hipster thing to do.
The game is amazing it has a really good story, much more interesting than New Vegas or 3. The voiced protagonist is really good as well as it feels like i have more personality when playing. Gun Play along with its awesome crafting and Junk collection system are much better than any previous installment as well.

I love the new perks/skills system. it was garbage in the other games as to actually see an improvement you had to invest like 25 points into a skill where with the perk system it is imminently felt. Companions are really great, Factions are cool and interesting and without spoiling the story i enjoyed the choices it threw at me near the end of the main quest. Settlement building is a great addition and if you dont like it, its completely optional. the removal of condition removes the grind of having to repair my rarer weapons and the fusion cores in the power armor are a great compromise. you die reallly easy without it and it runs on a fuel source but when wearing it makes a huge difference.

Overall i loved the game and it ranks in my top 10 games of all time. if you hated the game i dont know whats wrong with you, the streamlining choices bethesda have made are really good and only improve the game. can any of you honestly say that the old skill system added to the game? does having power armor all the time add to the game?

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:16 pm

I agree, 10/10 for me on Fallout 4.

Finished it once so far with 100+ hours clocked, love the excellent loot system that has a subtle nod to Diablo/Borderlands so it means I'm always looking for those Legendary enemies. The crafting is spot on and gives the once useless items of the wasteland a real value, it works very well with the settlements and lets you explore trading/supplies in a more detailed fashion.

Power Armour is a massive improvement, the idea it is a suit you have to build and care for really emphases the supposedly badass nature of it, if I have to return to base to get my Power Armour (well one of them (-; ) I really get the feeling that there is a real challenge ahead.

I liked the story and though I've only done the one ending so far I am going to return, I was please I couldn't finish the game as I actually wanted and that it forced me into making a choice because I shouldnt have it all my way and actions have consequences.

Bug wise, the traditional stick with which Fallout gets beaten, I've only had a couple of crashes (though likely I had just played for too long with 8/9 hour sessions lol). Nothing game breaking, no need to reload. I have 1 single quest that has disappeared and cannot complete though I blame myself for that as I received it, then ignored it for ages so I'm guessing they just got bored and did it themselves (-;

Any gripes? Sound levels are still a bit off sometimes - the noise from Grim Reapers Sprint is far too loud. The game could explain itself better from time to time, particularly settlements, but its a learning curve and there's plenty of help online.

I did 1000+ hours each on F3/NV, I can fully see myself doing the same on this if not more.

Favorite part so far? Settlements, I've not even considered buying a house and instead love building my own and setting up a decent community to support me.

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