I made a fatal error in the distribution of S.P.E.C.I.A.L...
Now being lev40 and running out of ballistic customisations I want to spec up some energy weapons and some of the power armor sets but I have but missed that these are part of the Science! perk, not the Armor/Gun Nut perks.This is grossly annoying as I think I am roughly through 50-70% of the main story line and would like to keep the momentum going.
I feel I already know the answer but is there any way to redistribute attribute points or any of method of being able to obtain this one particular perk? I am currently relying on enemies dropping weapons/power armor pieces with parts upgraded beyond my ability.
Also...whilst on the subject, I haven't wasted any level up points on the actual header item (e.g. Intelligence), what exactly does this do?