character actions improved.
1. added bayonet stab and butt strike move .
2. added suplex move(only in 3rd-person view mode, spend AP use heavy strike when enemy trying to melee attacks you).
added companion commands:
you can now command your companion to move to a location you want, or do most things you want he/she to do(like open the door, loot that corpse even pick a lock if he/she have picklock perk).
now all locations that enable to adventure that will auto reset by passing a period time. NOT ONLY enemies, INCLUDE items in any container !!
but there has some parts need to be fix still....
1. all items inside a workbench didn't share to another workbench.
2. all trash won't disassemble to basic materials automatically.
these points make players will more busy to transfer these trash to another workbench where lack to some kind of materials from a workbench has it.
for example:
workbench A is lack of screws but workbench B has a lot of it, then you can't just go to workbench B to take screws because there possibly only some trash items there, not screws, you need to disassemble them into some different basic materials include screws then take screws to workbench A(even need to search what trash can be disassemble into screws first!!) is very troublesome and need much time to do .....
another problem is companion's AI became too stupid in battle, they often notice enemies too late then player character got some hurt after they began to attack enemies....
last, enemy NPC throw grenades no spend any grenade on them, make them often continue to throw a lot of grenades in any battle but player can't do this because player character has limited amount of it so need to control it's using, no need to mention they have weight on your character. this is something about grenades!! not just gun's ammo, these things can do big damage in large area!! don't you think you cheat too much a little ?