Cleared map indicator.

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:19 am

Hello everyone, I noticed that the cleared status on a location, disappears after a few ingame days. I think map respawn is a cool feature because you to clear it again and get materials for your settlements, ammo, etc... but I also believe that there should be something that tells you whether or not you've already been through that location. While questing, I discovered many locations that I decided to ignore temporarily, just so that I could finish my quests first and now it is pretty hard to tell which ones I left behind. Also, I am the kind of player that likes going through new content instead of repeating the old first. Adding a little indicator next to the location icon and keeping the actual Clear system won't really hurt anybody. Does anybody else feels the same? Thoughts?

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Annick Charron
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:03 pm

Thing is, even if you have "cleared" the area, it not only respawns with new foes, but it also re-sets all the locks to be locked again, and computers to be hack-able again, and loot containers refilled. Although, amusingly, one door that was sealed by a master-hack computer was ~open~ when I returned later but the computer was newly hack-able. Even if you have cleared it i the past, there's no reason not to clear it AGAIN if you want to. If you're just OCD (like me) and want to make sure you've experienced all the locations and don't necessarily want to ~repeat~ content you have already seen, I'm not sure how that would be indicated on the map (by a mod, for example). You could keep a notebook of your adventures, but that's only really practical for "named" locations (those with Fast Travel points, usually).

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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:56 pm

Hahaha, I thought about writing down the locations I visited, but it was already too late xD. I understand that everything resets again, but I also love the feeling of progression and completion. I believe I am OCD just like you :P. Honestly I don't think adding a litte symbol next to the location would hurt anybody, but improve the game for many.

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