Questions about settlements for you warlords...

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:43 pm

Hi guys,

I end up having a lot of fun with the settlements but there are few unanswered questions I would like to get answers on. I thought that some of you could have the answers.

Please follow the question numbers for clarity.

1. I read somewhere that the defense rating should be the equivalent to WATER + FOOD to avoid raiders attack. Questions: If you have the defense rating, will you NEVER get attacked or it will REDUCE the chance of getting one.

2. Is there a way to know, by looking to a settler, where it was assigned. I find it very difficult to keep track of who is assigned where.

3. Seems like the "Named" settlers are immortal. So why should I invest on them with a good armor. I should rather give those to the common "settlers". Am I missing something?

4. I was never attacked in a settlement yet (after 60 hours of playing). If a small settlement is surrounded by walls, are the raiders will blow up walls or open doors? If no, what stop me to just surround the settlements by walls.

5. At which speed will you harvest a fruit for a settler that you assign to it. Difficult so far to figure it out.

6. I noticed that my settlers assigned to a defense post commonly leave to do other stuff like banging hammers on the wall of house. Only named settlers do that? Briefly, not sure how to keep them at their assigned tower.

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Lisa Robb
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:12 pm

1. It reduces the chances (supposedly), but you will still have random attacks.

2. No... some people put them in particular clothing or use hats.

3. I've heard they can die... but it is sort of like Skyrim, in that when they become disabled, they go down... and if they take damage whiled own, THEN they can die. So I'm to understand.

4. Walls really only serve to re-direct raiders... they offer no defense bonus. Plus. depending on the settlement, they may even spawn inside the walls. When under attack, you settlers will immediately rush out to meet the attackers anyway. I build them because I like the look and because you can sort of channel them into kill zones once you learn the spawning areas.

5. I don't quite understand this question.

6. Yes, the named settlers that you get at the beginning from Concord, are terrible at any assignment other than farming. Not sure why they gave you a bunch of rejects to try and learn about settlement building. Use regular settlers and they'll perform their duties consistently.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:23 pm

Just to add a few things:

1. Reduces, doesn't eliminate chance.

2. Different clothing is a good visible option; to identify specific settlers rename a pistol or other weapon or clothing item according to their job and give it to them.

3. Companions can't die, but at least some named settlers can.

4. Walls really are only good for channeling, raiders can spawn inside your base.

5. I "think" daily, but have never tested it.

6. Settlers assigned as Guards can man up to 3 guard posts, and will often patrol the surrounding area. Named settlers seem to have their own agendas; Sturges for example, though assigned to a guardpost at the bridge entering Sanctuary, constantly travels from there to the workshop, bangs on the walls, then heads back to his post. May try reassigning him as a Scavenger.

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