I simply can NOT stand when games put in annoying sounds like the dog panting. Driving me absolutely insane. Is there a mod or something that blocks that sound file ? or something??
I simply can NOT stand when games put in annoying sounds like the dog panting. Driving me absolutely insane. Is there a mod or something that blocks that sound file ? or something??
i love the dog because he's very similar to my dog (half shepherd), but unfortunately they implemented all the behavior of the dog (even the annoying parts xD), and it sounds just like my dog so half the time i dont know who to yell at, my dog, or dogmeat xD
its those high pitch whining whimpers that get me tho, not the panting
Are you using headphones? Those kind of noises are always so much more annoying with headphones (footsteps, often, too). Or when you go to YouTube and the default volume rips your ears when headphones are on.
I mostly use speakers myself, and I hardly notice the panting/whining then. Just not that loud relative to other noises. But would definitely be nice if games would take into account the differences in volume between speaker-listening and headphone listening.
That said, having a sound-slider for every single possible effect in the game might be excessive in terms of in-game menus. If on PC, there probably are mods - likely a simple method of unpacking/editing the respective sound file to a lower volume. I think there was one for the turrets for example. Just run to Nexus and do a search there or something.
Yes, there are two mods for this. The second one is more of an extension of the first one, and it has some options.