So with Bethesda, Lovecraftian influence is always going to be a given. Dunwich Borers was everything I'd figured it would be.
Then I found the Cabot House.
Now I've got to start this out by saying I didn't dislike the missions themselves - it's a nice little contained story. My problem with the Cabot story is it's stretching the bounds of Fallout's...believability, for lack of a better term. It's not even like Mothership Zeta, which I could write off as a extended random encounter - the Cabot House is a known quantity within the Commonwealth.
A big part of why it's bugging me is on the surface, it shouldn't. We've got Ghouls who have lived since the bombs fell, but something about the Cabots just sits wrong on the whole. Great missions, but I'm not keen on the implications for the series. There's enough to do in a post-apocalyptic Wasteland that we don't need references to cities of impossible geometry and artifacts of terrible and unknowable power. As much as it would be fun to see the Cabot family turn up again (I liked them as characters, overall), I don't really care for what they represent.
Also, did anyone else see Lorenzo's crown and immediately think "Dwemer!"?
EDIT: And I took Jack's remarks about a city buried in the Mojave to be a reference to the popular New Vegas mod "A World of Pain" with it's Underground.