Loved Fallout 3's subway system, one of the best things about that game, Fallout 4 needs some Railway Underground DLC.
Loved Fallout 3's subway system, one of the best things about that game, Fallout 4 needs some Railway Underground DLC.
I enjoyed that too.
There are quite a few underground areas. The trick is finding them.
I didn't care for the undergrounds in Fallout 3 at all, felt like it was a waste of resources to make such a large and vast surface area when 50% of the game took place in these endless underground tunnels...
I had a moment when I was down in a subway early my first playthrough, wearing a complete S.T.A.L.K.E.R. outfit, assault gasmask and all, fighting raiders with my pipe weapon, and I swore I was in Metro/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for a while. It felt great, I have to agree the subways are pretty cool.
The underground system in Fallout 3 was part of their attempt to overcome the technical limitations of the game, by splitting up the complex city areas into individual locations. Fallout 4 has less need of such workarounds.
Still, it would've been nice to see at least a couple of the subway areas linked up, maybe as alternative ways to cross the river.
Yes it has subways.
I also noticed that the subways don't link up to other areas and was disappointed perhaps its due to the backlash they got over Fallout 3's subways which dang those were actually cool its too bad now.
compare IRL civil engineering. does boston have more subway's than dc?
Yes in a agreement here! Spooky as hell the subways in F3! The subways in F4 were highly disappointing, about as spooky as watching an episode of Sesame street. And that dam 200 year old tannoy system gets very annoying... "Keep it clean Boston," every 10 seconds.