As a fellow BIG builder on PS4, Id like to say... Hell yeah GOOD JOB! I like the creativeness in your build with efficient use of space and realistic areas.
As a fellow BIG builder on PS4, Id like to say... Hell yeah GOOD JOB! I like the creativeness in your build with efficient use of space and realistic areas.
I was actually talking about the bottom level houses, like at 1:08 of the video. Again, they are attached to the floor above, so they are suspended not floating. Hardly worth mentioning. I probably didn't even notice the one you are referring to, if you put the empty prefab squares under it.
I've been wondering, is there a vertical limit? Could you build a tower so high you can see it from across the map? I'm thinking about doing a tower and was curious.
Im not sure if there really is a limit since u can always keep expanding with drop weapons/store trick
Nicely done. I was impressed at the number of X-01 suits you have.
I personally have no problem with skyhook building, as that's what I've done with my inverted pyramid at Sanctuary Hills. Single point of entry, far easier to defend, umbrella of raining death for any intruders.
I actually don't know that trick.. I just glitch for millions of caps at the vendors, and then clean out their junk and supply shipments. I used to clean out their caps too, but it became more effort than it was worth when I hit 25,000
I'll google the drop/store trick, no need to explain.
I have 27 settlers and no i haven't gotten 100. 97 is as high as I've gotten it and I've tried just about everything to get it to 100
Super easy man. Drop weapons on ground, open up workshop and store them. That simple. Rinse and repeat
I think there's probably a limit to height. Eventually the sky-cell would "end." It's pretty tall, re: building, however. But I don't know what that would mean in terms of number of wall-block stories. A fair number I'd expect, but not never-ending.
If you use the tfc fly cheat, for example, once you reach a certain height things go weird visually, because you're outside the top limits of the cell, just like they do if you go below the visible groundline. You hit it lower than you might expect but it's not exactly low, either.
Hm now I want to check it out in-game further.
P.S. I don't think you could see something "totally across the map" because of cell-loading and draw distance issues.
Just went in the game - if you use the floored-stairs in Sanctuary (starting on road near the bridge leading to Red Rocket) you can do 6 high. After that the outline of the object you want to place turns red and you can't place anything.
If you began at river height, maybe 7 or 8 max in that area. And if there's a building spot that's considered really low elevation, I'd guess maybe 10.
The building limit is actually a lot lower than the fly-cheat cell thing I was talking about.
P.S. (again) - to the OP - that is one awesome fort, btw. I've built some largeish structures but nothing to that extent. Crazy fun...great job.
there is a build ceiling. I reached it in sanctuary building a tree house on that big tree in the middle of the neighborhood. if i'm not mistaken spectacle island has the highest available ceiling if you build your structure at the beach level.
I have built a 6 story tower on top of the overpass at Finch Farm. I love it there, very isolated, and no-one can get up there. I actually just remodeled and took off the top floor. It was so tall, I couldn't put lights on the ceiling, just about the first 2 ft or so of the walls. Didn't like that, so I took off the top floor and made it only 5 stories. But still, that is from the overpass up. If you started on the ground, you could probably do about 11 or so I am guessing. Might be the highest one possible in the game. Not sure, though.
I love the view from the top of my structure, though. I decided not to put walls up, so i can enjoy the 360 degree view. I have a floating ceiling that is only attached by one wall that functions as a sort of head board area for my bed. otherwise, no walls all the way around. high you can get seems to depend on "elevation" of the area. The island is sea-level-ish so makes sense.
Looks like 9 wall blocks high at the Drive-In.
(oops I meant 9's 8 blocks)
You did a good job with your electric work. It's neat and for the most part hidden from view. Nice build!
Thanks man. I was really anol how I ran the wires and hid the generators minus the one big one on the outside. Didn't want a bunch of eye sores all over the place