The best DLC idea of all time.

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:40 am

I'm sure there have been many threads already. I didn't see one in the recent threads so I thought I would make one, forgive me if I missed it somewhere.

I had an idea for an add-on that would not only increase the replay factor of the game exponentially but would also soften the blow of starting over should you simply want to replay the story a different way. A couple of my other favorite RPG games came out with a great DLC idea that allowed you to load up a small portion of the awesome resources and gear that you had accumulated and basically restart the game, keeping your character level, said precious gear and materials, and enter into a brand new game that is leveled appropriately to match your elevated status. I hated starting over in New Vegas so i could play through as the NCR, the Legion, and for House/myself, mainly because it involved starting over. but even as big as this game is eventually you run out of stuff to do, or like i said earlier, maybe you just want to take the main story line in a different direction that last time. I won't include spoilers but if you have played any fallout games before you know what I mean. So say I'm level 50 and have run all the way through the main story line. Give me a "mysterious radio beacon" as an optional side quest. I show up and find a ransacked caravan surrounded by a host of dead mutants or whatever, near the vault entrance where you start the game. There's only one survivor, a dying man. When you speak to him he offers you a "chance to start anew" or something along those lines. My personal opinion would be to either take him up on his Morpheus-like red pill or blue pill option, or wait. Give the player a dialogue letting them know that they can only keep what they can carry. As in the only guns, armor, gear, etc you can take with you would be as much as you could carry without being over-encumbered. I'd be able to pack up all my favorite legendary and/or modded out weapons, armor, and my favorite suit of power armor. (For continuity purposes unique weapons, armor, collectibles, etc might need to be excluded, or not. I'd be cool with having an entire library of magazines after the 3rd or 4th play through.) Head back to dying guy (a man "dying" for a month while you keep playing wouldn't be the biggest plot hole in game, no offense) and take him up on his offer to "start again". BAM you wake up coming out of your cryo chamber in the vault. Dead spouse and missing kid and all. You don't have to replay the beginning scene because you are already leveled, although the option to respec your character with your existing points if you want would be pretty awesome as well. When you emerge from the vault, you get that same radio beacon, leading you back to the ransacked caravan. This time instead of finding a single, dying survivor you find an actual dead guy with, you guessed it, all your favorite stuff from the old world in his pockets or maybe his pack brahmin, whatever. You collect your prized possessions and proceed on down to meet that cooky robot at your old house. And of course all enemies are scaled appropriately to the players level. DLCs, reset. Storyline, reset. Settlements, NPCs, locations, literally everything fresh as the day is long and ready to be conquered all over again. That would hands down be my favorite fallout DLC to date.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:11 pm

I like this idea, new game + level and items would be awesome, I don't know why you needed a giant wall of text to say it but whatever. I would just have it be as many items as you can carry to keep it simple.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:55 pm

I....I just have so much to say.....(sniffle)

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:19 pm

I don't see how new game+ would be an expansion, that more something you add in a free update.

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Adrian Morales
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