Really paranoid they're going to turn this entire concept down. It would make the game absolutely perfect in my eyes.
Really paranoid they're going to turn this entire concept down. It would make the game absolutely perfect in my eyes.
I would see it as more of a scavenger/hunter weapon, maybe some raiders. Would not expect Mercs, or City Guards to use them. I just feel that it could bring a nice balance to some urban stealth gameplay. Still i get why its not in the game, it has never been a part of the Fallout franchise. Hopefully a mod will add it eventually.
Eh, why not. The weapon variety in this game is [censored] anyways.
Bows would be the most sensible weapon honestly in any post apocalyptic situation. Easily crafted and maintained because lets be realistic how many gunsmiths survived the end of the world? You can get a few 2x4's a saw some strong adhesive and a strong wire or fiber for the draw string and bam. Little know how and you've a bow. Guns require machining just to mod and ammo will be scarce. They also jam. In a life or death situation a gun jamming equates to death. Bows dont jam. And theyre quiet. Also, bows are powerful as [censored]. A direct hit would knock you on your ass if you weren't wearing anything short of combat armor and even plenty of gaps. Also arrows have special tips for different purposes. Armor piercing, ballistic, retractable, poison, oiled. Most versatile weapon save a combat knife or a bastard sword
I could see a crossbow that used a leaf-spring from a car.
Effective bows aren't that easy to make and not that easy to use effectively. Took thousands of years of development and then people would train for years to be good with them.
Current game design would make more sense for an area with tribals to have bows.
I don't know if this was mentioned because I didn't read every comment here I don't if this is possible or even allowed either. But couldn't some super experienced modder somehow bring the bow animations and stuff from Skyrim and somehow implement it into Fallout?
lol @ spamming Pete and him telling you to come here
I'm not one to promote other games (especially a series I'm not familiar with) but Far Cry Primal appears to be all about bows and other primitive tools. I haven't played a FC since the first one long ago but this got my attention.
ha you're not the first to do so and I almost caved and bought FC4 for a shooter fix until I got the news about Fallout 4 which has more then satisfied my itch for a FPS. Primal on the other hand looks interesting with the caveman FPS theme so I will keep my eye on that.
I doubt there's going to be any animations left over, and 1st person animating is going to be locked out of the new creation kit, simply because the tools cost so much money. There isn't hope for modding this in
I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of bow in the game.
And while we're discussing "things that probably ain't gonna happen" - I really wish they'd sweet-talk Valve into letting someone, somehow, create or find a Zero-Point Energy Manipulator in the Fallout universe (maybe the G-Man bounces between realities or something and drops one on his way to waking up Freeman for HL3...)
A crossbow would be great.
Crossbows are heavily modifiable, and with some pre-war technological spin, it would work almost like conventional firearms.
I'm quite frankly dissapointed that they didn't see the opportunity once the weapon skills were broken up.