jesus the man just keeps reappearing
I've killed him and his synth buddy like 8 times
jesus the man just keeps reappearing
I've killed him and his synth buddy like 8 times
I seen them about 30 times so far, it never gets old making the synth admit hes a synth then telling the real one to kill him.
Too many times.
He pops up all over the place. I've seen him anywhere from the Witch Museum to the edge of the Glowing Sea.
too much trouble, just shoot a mini nukes and take care both
I've found him once.
I've HEARD him about 20 times, though. He always seems to spawn in really hard-to-find locations off the beaten track, like on top of roofs and inside buildings, so I can't ever just spot him by glancing around. I've got to actually seek him out.
I've seen them about 12-15 times, mostly dead. BoS seem to kill them a lot in my games.
7 times so far. First time I killed the clone and then he walked off. Next time they both started attacking me -.-
I find it kinda interesting. When I encounter him and try to interrogate the one kneeling and fail, I always tell the one with the gun to shoot him. See, if you fail, then he says he's not a synth, then he has to be lying because otherwise that would mean the interrogation didn't fail....
Last night, I was doing some crafting at the Red Rocket when I was attacked by synth-Art.
I have plenty of defensive measures, like 80 defense.
I can't imagine what he thought he was going to accomplish.
I guess you never know until you try, right Art? Art? Oh, yeah, he's dead...what's in his pockets?