So since the first Fallout title we have seen many horrible mutated creatures. But we never got to experience such mutations ourselves. Yes, there were perks that gave you better stats that were mutations, but they werent actual physical mutations. My idea is that this DLC will change this and add physical mutations that change the gameplay drastically. The DLC will be non canon though and you could turn it off. But if you have it turned off each time a mutated animal or insect attacks you, there is a little chance that you mutate. You could as an example get the claws of a deathclaw or the wings of a bloatfly that enable you to fly for a short amount of time. Ofc there will be downsides. People would be afraid of you and could see you as an enemy if you are mutated so much that you look inhuman.
This DLC would add alot of fun to Fallout 4 and it could be completely optional, so people that wanna play without it can turn it off. Obviously the DLC will be completely non canon.
Tell me what you think about it!