Is this gonna be DLC?

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:03 am

Just had a few thoughts on the storyline, and DLC ideas?

1st thing: love the game so far: I understand the whole wheel limitation, but they are being reverted to a list via mods anyway, along with those pesky level restrictions on the Perks.

Is there a way we can get DLC to restore the cut-content?::

In particular: Being able to convince Maxxson to allow Dance to stay? A sample Synth would be some of the technology they are charged to recover and covert.

Also what a Better way to field an army dedicated to the Brotherhood's Ideals, then by seizing the Institute, and then copy-pasting an imprint of Dance onto synth platforms. Dance is a Paragon of what the Brotherhood of Steel are supposed to represent; so an army of Dance copies would make great front-line soldiers (or great mentors to the Initiates if they are still skittish about admitting synths into their combat teams. Seriously, that Synth retains the loyalty of everyone whom ever worked with him, and makes a great glue for the brotherhood factions.)

Then there is the Missing option of the Institute and the Brotherhood working in an alliance: The Brotherhood would be the pragmatic balance to the unleashed ideas of the Institute: and with the Player Character both in charge of the Institute, and within the ranks of the Brotherhood, I don't see why it couldn't work, and the Player promoted to an Elder.

The Institute's name has sinister connotations, so the Brotherhood helping to distribute the aid from the institute would be more publically accepted. The Institute gets their Isolation, and the Brotherhood control the technology on the surface.

The Brotherhood of Steel already have no objections to not working with the Minutemen, so I could easily see a BoS Commonwealth State being Formed, and with advancing medicine and tech, could rival the NCR! The Railroad would be shafted, but no-one likes them anyway: after all, after freeing the synths, what's to stop them from wanting to transfer the Mr Handy's and Miss Nanny's into a synth body and demanding their freedom?!

Are we going to ban Slavery while we are at it? I want to keep them on my muttfruit plantations gods damn them!


On unrelated note: Got my pipboy edition after the former EB manager's corruption was exposed on here, Didn't want to Necro that thread.

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Heather Stewart
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