control the camera while aiming in third person?
WHY THE ****! Would gamesas INTENTIONALLY not implement the one feature from New Vegas that made 3rd person combat bearable? HOLY FFFFFFFFFFF!
control the camera while aiming in third person?
WHY THE ****! Would gamesas INTENTIONALLY not implement the one feature from New Vegas that made 3rd person combat bearable? HOLY FFFFFFFFFFF!
I SOOO wish I could make weapons and ammo.
You're telling me I can make #$%& ARTILLERY out of tin cans, pencils and duct tape but pipe guns are beyond my skill to manufacture? Or a handful of 10mm rounds? Riiight...
This. This so much. Lol. I mean F4 isn't bad the open world exploration is still really great and I love the tiny little details in the world. Just that main story, really takes me out of it sometime
Remember when a different Developer made New Vegas?
Honestly, if Bethesda had implemented even half the stuff you lot praise New Vegas for, you'd be posting threads about how Bethesda stole all of Obsidian's best ideas and how they don't have imagination etc.
I liked New Vegas, but it was NOT this awesome game you're looking at through rose tinted glasses. It was buggy, you felt railroaded around the map, invisible walls every where, a radio station DJ nobody seemed to like, Big Iron on his Hip playing EVERY FIVE MINUTES, no really interesting locations in ninety percent of the map, companion quests that seemed to involve just talking to them and listening to them moan, and a Las Vegas Strip that was smaller than most of the individual DC city cells.
Yes, the writing was good and the characters were decently written. But the rest of the game was no better than Bethesdas efforts, in fact worse due to the more restrictive nature of the map.