Cait gone... M.I.A

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:39 pm

I had to dismiss Cait for a mission/quest I really wasn't interested in (it had to do with another companion) I didn't want to but it looked like I had no choice because The Mission Prompt had already started. Now I can't find Cait anywhere, I'm frustrated because she had some unique armor and weapons (e.g. Grognak outfit/axe.. + loot and weapons). Besides I thought she was funny to interact with and I helped her with her problem.. I'm not a companion guy but Cait was the one companion besides Dogmeat that I actually enjoyed. So How do I find her ? I've searched every possible settlement, rang the bell, even went back to where I originally found her but to no avail. I'm now levels ahead of that point in the game but it's bothering me how she could just vanish from the game completely... Or did She? Help.

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Carlos Vazquez
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