puts you to 11. so wait till you have a 10 natural ( make sure you dont have any item bonuses ) then grab it and whoila 11
It will give you 11. Technically if a bit insane for the absolute max you could wait until every special is at 10 before getting it's bobble head for the best end game character by a tiny margin.
if you don't expect to play a single character the 500 or so hours it takes to get to level 266 so that becomes an issue then just wait on the special stats you plan to raise to 10.
I believe SPECIAL stats can technically be buffed up to a cap of 20. You won't benefit for perks, but it will affect others things: STR will still improve your carry weight, INT keep affecting experience gain... the only ones that don't really benefit are PER and CHR. You need 11 CHR to guarentee a red speech success (otherwise you have 14% change of failure at CHR 10), but CHR 10+ only affects barter prizes at a negligible amount. And PER doesn't seem to be overly effective at anything but unlocking perks, since you can't track enemies outside of combat anymore.
I'll test when I get home on my character with 17 charisma to see about that 20 cap.
Charisma seems to have a small effect on intimidate, wasteland whisperer, and animal friend success rates, it effects charisma checks, it effects prices ALOT, it also controller settler soft caps. (10+modified charisma is the most you can move to a settlement even though some to get more people with natural radio tower methods they seem to come in slower)
Perception effects accuracy in VATs, base pickpocket chance.
Int in addition to giving extra experience also causes you to have less results to sift through when hacking terminals.
Str isn't just carry weight it has a huge effect on melee damage.
the specials do a lot more then we give them credit for in general.
Ooh, good points. I don't really use VATS so I wouldn't have noticed PER (and I'm rich enough I've opted out of looting things purely for financial reasons), but CHR most definitely affects settlements - even if that CHR is from equipment buffs. (Presumably from drug buffs then, too.)
Does STR seriously affect melee damage then? Does anyone know the scaling, and does 'melee' include fist weapons/unarmed? I haven't noticed anything, personally. That isn't to say that it doesn't make a difference, but I got the impression that the difference would be quite negligible. Maybe Buffout would be worth something to me, after all...
It's pretty huge. I compared buffout and STR boosting gear but I don't know the console stuff to get actual damage numbers. I was doing easily more then double damage.
Also I tested and 17 charisma + graqe mentates with 22 charisma so 20 isn't a soft cap.
You can, but there's not much point unless you really feel like maxing it out for the derived statistics.
Doe Agility in itself affect to how easy you are to spot when sneaking?