Love slowly turning to hate or The loneliest Minuteman

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:35 am

I've been playing the Fallout series since FO3 and love the franchise. When I first started Fallout 4 I thought the game was fantastic (apart from the graphics and no I don't believe them about having to dumb it down they just didn't want to spend the money on R&D creating a new engine IMO of course)

I was really enjoying the game but now I'm slowly starting to hate it especially the phrase 'are you from the minutemen?'.

I now keep Radio freedom turned off as the repeated calls to do the same quests is ruining the game. If i have to go back to the Corvega car plant again i think I'll scream. Also there doesn't seem any logic to it. A settlement will often ask for help clearing out such and such a place which will be right on the other side of the map with no end of raider/mutant camps inbetween. So this camp which is miles away is a cause for concern but apparently they are fine with everything what?

My only choice is to go do the jobs given by the idiot at Sanctuary and just not go back to tell him they are done. At least that way I can go on and do other stuff.

I've made sure all settlements are protected with defences and have supplied weapons and armour to the settlers but still it seems I'm the only minuteman in the land.

If there was a way to recruit new minutemen who could then actively protect the camps it wouldn't be so bad.

Does it eventually calm down

Am i doing something wrong

Any help is appreciated.

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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:44 am

Yeah, I think they should have put more attention into the geography of these quests. It's one thing for the other three factions to give you missions all over the map, but the problems of settlers should be very local in nature. As you said, settlers aren't going to care about raiders a quarter of the way across the map when they've got super mutants living a couple of hundred meters away.

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Bee Baby
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:31 am


It is also damn ridiculous that they do not know who the General is, or who's the one that built their settlement in the first place.

I wish I can execute the settlers without everyone turning hostile, which would cause me to turn that settlement into a place full of dead bodies.

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El Goose
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:33 am

Yes, I agree with you. What I have started doing is just complete the repetative minuteman quests with console commands. I hate to resort to this but its better than ending up hating the game and thats what would happen if I had to do all these horribly repetativie missions. This dynamic was not thought out well by bethesda. I understand they are trying to extend gameplay but repetition is not extention. I also think there should be some dynamic in the game where you, as the general of the minutemen, can just order your troops to go handle it without you always having to do the mission. This might help with the repetative missions and allow you to actually continue to explore the map and do the things you want to do.

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:42 am

You just have to complete the quests to the point they say "go talk to Preston" and then just don't talk to Preston. Other than that, they're great for loot farming, if you need more junk.

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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:57 am

It's a good thing, that I read the forums and thus knew this on forehand.

I left Preston on the quest: go talk to peeps at oberon farm thing.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:48 am

I don't think it be so bad if the game would scale to ur lvl better being lvl 40 and being sent to clear camp of lvl 9 raiders is not worth my time
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rebecca moody
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:10 am

This time I didn't agree to lead the minutemen, so I don't have the issue, but anyway when I did, I met random minutemen on my travels. So why can't those guys go and help the settlements, instead of their busy General ?

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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:11 pm

I'm like level 73 and have played the game for 181hrs most of which I've really enjoyed. I'm not sure how much of the main story I've done but not a huge amount.

This settlement thing though is almost game breaking it's so infuriating. I mean don't these guy's learn.. How can the same person keep having her friend kidnapped? And why does she have to ask if I'm from the freaking Minutemen every time? I only spoke to the dumb b******d a few hours ago about the very same job!

Look i know there has to be some 'artistic licence' in a game of course there is but jeez really? I just feel it's a huge shame on what otherwise is a pretty fantastic game.

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clelia vega
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:22 am

I've seen settlers called 'Minutemen' in the castle settlement, I wonder if you can get them to move to other settlements and in doing so create better protection? Hmm.. I'll try this next time I play.

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Louise Dennis
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:08 am

whenever I get one of these go clear out the mutants/ghouls/synth/raider efforts I stop off at my fob and stock up on mines, whichever one I have most of typically, then travel to the quest location kill everyone and lay mines in the areas where I killed everyone so that hopefully the next time the game sends me to that location everyone will be obliterated by the mines I've laid as soon as I fast travel. Problems is it's not sent me back to any of these area's since I started this practice so I don't know if it works

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Karl harris
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:38 am

The "help settlement" quests are an infinite source of "radiant" quests, like they had in Skyrim. If you keep going to talk to Preston, he'll keep giving them to you. Until you decide you don't want to do more, and don't go back to get another. (I'm lv53, ~110 hours. Finally finished the MQ a few hours ago. I've done some settlement quests, but I've also had them just sitting in the quest log for eons while I ignored them. The only things you can't just ignore are the 'settlement is under attack!" alerts that you never notice because they pop up while you're paying attention to something else.)

Only advice I can give is.... let it go, ignore them, do something else. If you've grown to hate the settlement quests so much, stop doing them.

(because, no. They'll never "learn". Because the quests are intended to be an infinite supply of "things to do".)

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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:31 am

Leave Preston and his "Minuteman" survivors in the Museum of Freedom. Problem solved (tho I get that does not help an existing game).

Yes, I do agree that Bethesda needs to clean up the Minuteman mission assignment system as it can get out of control. Since the issue isn't game breaking (just annoying to no end), it's likely this will only be addressed by the mod community.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:54 am

As others have said. Just ignore them. They're infinite. You can also just do what you have but don't turn them in then you shouldn't get more. I don't even do the defend settlement quests anymore. Not in small part due to always missing the prompt but also because I just don't care anymore. It doesn't change anything. I just keep my water and food settlements up as those two supply all the rest and have all my stores. If they're attacked while I'm away I just repair the next time I happen to pass through.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:51 pm

Yes I've thought about laying mines etc so I'm interested to hear you've not heard anything since.

As you guy's have suggested I'll just steer clear of talking to Preston and just answer the call for help when a settlement gets attacked. I'm kinda doing this anyway but just wondered if making any other changes in the game would alter the continuity of the quest. I guess not.

Despite this 'issue' (I'm not even sure it is an issue lol) I'm enjoying FO4 and love the crafting part of the game.

As for mods there is a mod you can get from Nexus which will stop settlement attacks here:

Thanks for the replies

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