I've been playing the Fallout series since FO3 and love the franchise. When I first started Fallout 4 I thought the game was fantastic (apart from the graphics and no I don't believe them about having to dumb it down they just didn't want to spend the money on R&D creating a new engine IMO of course)
I was really enjoying the game but now I'm slowly starting to hate it especially the phrase 'are you from the minutemen?'.
I now keep Radio freedom turned off as the repeated calls to do the same quests is ruining the game. If i have to go back to the Corvega car plant again i think I'll scream. Also there doesn't seem any logic to it. A settlement will often ask for help clearing out such and such a place which will be right on the other side of the map with no end of raider/mutant camps inbetween. So this camp which is miles away is a cause for concern but apparently they are fine with everything nearby..er what?
My only choice is to go do the jobs given by the idiot at Sanctuary and just not go back to tell him they are done. At least that way I can go on and do other stuff.
I've made sure all settlements are protected with defences and have supplied weapons and armour to the settlers but still it seems I'm the only minuteman in the land.
If there was a way to recruit new minutemen who could then actively protect the camps it wouldn't be so bad.
Does it eventually calm down
Am i doing something wrong
Any help is appreciated.