How would you like a Postapocalyptic Game with no Humans but with Orcs, Dwarves and Elves? Also Magic would return like the Plasmids in Bioshock.
How would you like a Postapocalyptic Game with no Humans but with Orcs, Dwarves and Elves? Also Magic would return like the Plasmids in Bioshock.
What, fallout with bandits, orcs and mudcrabs isn't good enough?
Sounds like you've been watching Adventure Time.
How do you feel about Grognak & the Ruby Ruins?
Grognak was a dissapointingly short game.....
too much similarity. but adding short people would be nice.
Short, but incredibly stocky with magnificient beards!
Yep. Only difference is that it's "cyberpunk dystopia" svcky world, rather than "nuked wasteland" svcky world.
Jup exactly thats what the OP semms to be proposing:), which is already out there anyway, though he did say no humans so part isnt exactly what he wants.
I'm not interested in dwarves, eleves and orcs. That's the main reason I never got into RPG-type games. I enjoy Mass Effect, Deus Ex and Fallout 3, 4 because they are sci-fi based. I like that it's a possible future or alternate future and not some magical fantasy world.
Now that I think even further back, I enjoyed Space Quest but didn't play King's Quest.
Shadowrun is Cyberpunk though, not post-apocalyptic.
Because they are so similar, and also both by Bethesda, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to do a crossover. I think that would be fun. Especially if they did it in a way similar to Oblivion- one world bleeding into the other CHOOSE YOUR SIDE!
Yeah I was inspired by Shadow Run, but it's Cyberpunk and only Isometric Turn Round.