Hi, I had just beaten the main story line before the new update to xbox one version and I have ran into 3 different quests that I can't continue due to the main quest giver not being able to either give me the quest or continue with the proper dialogue. The quests that are not working properly are The Secret of The Cabot House, the main issue with this being that Jack Cabot begins explaining the quest and just stops midsentence however when you go to talk to him again he asks how your progress is going when the quest is never even added to the data log. The next quest Confidence man will not even let me interact with Travis whatsoever about the quest even though he is currently the quest objective to talk to. He just repeats the same line every time you attempt an interaction with him....And to save myself from typing this is the exact same issue with the mayor I'm having during the In Sheep's clothing quest. You talk to the mayor who is the quest marker and he just keeps repeating he is to busy to talk at the moment. This is depressing because these are what I heard are some of the fun quests available after beating the main story line. Would appreciate a update soon so I could continue to enjoy the game after the story line.