Ok so this is kinda a long one, basically yesterday i was playing fallout 4 on my second play through and was doing the railroad main quest, i was up to the one where you have to go into the hospital. anyway it was all fine till i had to leave so i exit the hospital and get the loading screen that should take around 10 seconds instead i was waiting for 10 mins. once out i fast traveled to another location and that loading screen took for ages. and when i mean ages i dont mean like 1 min or so it literally took ages so i loaded back before i went into the hospital, and it was fine it took about 20 seconds to fast travel to the same location. anyway i shrugged it off and kept playing, then about 2 hours later when i was setting up the first MILA for tinker tom i fast travel back the the railroad HQ and finish the quest. i then go to fast travel to Cambridge police station i had to wait 10 mins, then i went inside the police station and that took about 8 mins so i reload back before i talk to dez and was atop the building where i had to place the MILA and fast travel to Cambridge, it takes around 20 seconds i go inside and it takes about 10 seconds to load. So all in all it seems after a certain time of playing the loading screen times dramatically go up. Ive tried restarting the game but it still occurs it only gets fixed when i reload an old save ive verified the integrity on steam aswell and my PC is fine and i have no memory leaks. So please help me with this. Thanks for your time.