Nothing left to do?

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:45 pm

Is it just me, or did Skyrim (Vanilla Skyrim, no DLC) have a lot more to do than Fallout 4, and is a lot longer? I've literally run out of stuff to do besides wander around and do radiant Minuteman quests, which really gets old.

Is there anything left I can do besides replaying the game?

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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:58 am

I feel Skyrim had more to offer which is a shame because I live for Fallout! The map in Skyrim oddly felt bigger too.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:15 pm

I can't answer your question since I played Skyrim with all the DLCs plus many mods...

I suppose you try to finish off side missions you have yet done. Find every single location that would appear on the map if you have not done so yet. And... work on building up the settlements.

Like all the other Bethesda RPG games going as far back as TES: Morrowind I tend to ignore the main quest and simply do whatever for a long period of time before going back to do the main quest. My character is I believe level 52 and I have not really done much other than explore, gather resources and build up the few settlements I have unlocked so far.

As far as missions are concerned, I have only completed the Tenpines Minuteman mission and currently working on Outpost Zimonja. I'll build the settler recruitment beacon to end the Outpost Zimonja mission when I am satisfied with the completed settlement. Regarding the main quest, I have yet to speak with Nick Valentine to progress the story.

The game is whatever you want it to be. If you don't wanna bother with settlements, then perhaps starting another game, but play it differently is the right choice for you. Or... play a different game and come back to FO4 when there are good mods out there that have been created with the GECK. Or wait for an official DLC.

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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:47 pm

Yes it felt deadly smaller as Skyrim. The Main Quests of Fallout are that long like the Side Quests of Dark Brotherhood or Winterhold. And in Fallout are only Main Quests. I said it before i dont hope they use this Mentality for the next Elder Scrolls. Because then Bethesda will do the "half backed CoD " Tactic. Every Year! :)

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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:07 pm

Once all the DLCs are done it will feel longer.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:49 pm

TES will be here in 2 years.

With that said fallout 4 is gigantic if you want it to be. I have like 50 hours into building glorious settlements and probably 100 hours exploring, crafting, ect. I am doing a sniper build with BOS, commando build plus explosives with minutemen; and plan an energy weapons character and melee character with the other factions.

The dlc will also help extend the game significantly I hope!
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:00 am

Well, I guess that depends on your game. How far in are you? And believe me, there are WAY more side quests to do then you imagine, they just aren't obvious. Numerous times I've run into little quests that started out as little miscellaneous 'go check this place out'.

One my second play I haven't even done the MQ yet and I'm still finding quests to do. You just have to explore.

Unless, of course, you've already explored every location and beaten the MQ.... then yes, you are left with radiant quests.

As for the map, I believe, from my reading, that the map is actually larger than Skyrim, but appears smaller because there are no mountains or large impediments to your travel. Skyrim felt bigger because some places you had to take a particular path to get there and you were dealing with different environments. In the commonwealth, you can pretty much take off in a direction and reach the other side of the map if you want. Couple that with the landscape being the same throughout and you get a small world feeling.

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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:11 pm

In Skyrim I finished all the guilds, [Cleared] all the points on the map, and finished the main story in about 67 hours.

I'm on my second char in Fallout 4 with about 83 hours on him and haven't done any real side quests on the bottom half of the map and only took the main story about halfway.

Both games I avoided the main story as long as possible but in Skyrim clearing the same dwemer/draugr ruins wasn't very appealing for me, then again I play FO4 as a FPS so I don't mind running around exploring/killing stuff. On that note, can't imagine playing like the people who use only VATS and take several times longer to do everything....don't think I would have finished the first play through.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:21 pm

I feel that the quests in Skyrim were more varied, that's why it *feels* like there's so much more to do. Most of the side quests in FO4 still feel related to the MQ, the story, the current predicament, etc. In Skyrim you could literally put the MQ on hold as you go off to do your own adventuring. The different guilds have their own goals and ambitions to work towards, so it feels like you're taking a break from the dragon story.

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Rob Smith
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:26 am

Of Course the DLC's will bring more Content but we are talking abt the Vanilla. 65% of my Playtime i was busy making Settlements, round about 20% Exploring and rest Quests. In Skyrim there was no Settlement just awesome many Quests. My believe in Bethesda was bigger as this. But where is the Problem? Its the same Team like for Skyrim or? Budget Problems? Time Problems?

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Enie van Bied
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:13 pm

It really depends what you want in a game. Fallout games are more about exploring and discovering, not as much about quest. If quests are your thing, then you probably will feel like the game is shorter and smaller. Even though they are made by the same studio, they are very different games
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:58 pm

See, I'm cool with exploring and discovering and all that. That's a good time. I'm just unsure where to explore because it seems I've already visited everywhere and seen everything there is to be seen.

I'll probably make a different character now that I know more about the game and how it works, and try to find out a little more of the background lore along the way.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:22 pm

Yea its not even the Quests, there is also no Story i mean History. Its only a broken Country and sometimes u can read some Riders Computer Dairy. I know i compare it to much with Skyrim but its also Content which is Missing. The Exploring is the next Problem. In Skyrim u had good Space between the Dungeons and between those many Encounters. In Fallout4 the Dungeons are very close to each other and iam not talking about Buildings in the City. There are almost non Encounter, when u hear People Firing in the Background its almost one Dungeon Guard against the other Dungeon Guard which are very close to each other. Sometimes just Enemies like Mutants and Mr. Gutsy spawning magicly behind me and try to kill me. Thats not a Encountering what i like to see. Its just Occupational Therapy (i hope thats correct from my Translationprogramm) from the Developer.

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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:52 pm

Are you saying you have all the bobbleheads collected? How many racks of magazines do you have. What about collecting Power Armor?

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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:57 pm

Looking at the quests in the official guide and there aren't enough quests to justify world size. Radiant quest blow more than a brothel employee of the month. Skyrim had quests enough that it took me 3 months playing day and night to finish everything. Heres its barely a month all i have left is to choose who i'll side with for the final 2 quests

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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:33 pm

Unless you've put in an excess of 200 hours I seriously doubt you've explored every building. That may not be your thing, but its not a fault in the game. Just as I can't for the life of me see how people spend hundreds of hours playing Minecraft. It's just not my thing, the game is fine
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:08 pm

As some people have already pointed it out Fallout games(Bethesda made ones-am counting New Vegas to that as well), were always much more about exploration than ES games, and trust me theres plenty of locations(lots of hidden ones-without map markers as well) to discover with a lot of them having glimpses/hints into prewar America so there is a lot of lore to be discovered, quests are also often not obvius or located just in main hubs but you can find side quests literarly all over the place.

Though i do agree it does probably have less quests than vanilla Skyrim there is still a lot of them.

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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:27 pm

Nothing left to do but wait for GECK and some modder with great ideas to release his mod(s).

I have restarted the game so many times I lost count.

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