Gawd I miss it...I have over 3700 .38 rounds I'm carrying....Good thing ammo has no weight lol...
Gawd I miss it...I have over 3700 .38 rounds I'm carrying....Good thing ammo has no weight lol...
Hell yes, rather have a ton of materials to make what I need lol....
I swear there's a bug that destroys .308 ammo. I swear I make it use some, then it disappears 20 minutes later if I don't use the rifle...
I never figured out the ammo breakdown thing anyhow. I could do it but had no use for all those raw materials. No loss for me.
I haven't noticed .308 glitch. but I have thousands of all the conventional stuff, so a little here or there.. meh
making ammo would be cool, though!
I use mostly .44 and .50, so I never have enough. My third most used is 10mm, I'm fine on that. Should probably take the scrounger perk, but I keep wanting something else... I store what I don't use in what clearly must be a Time Lord footlocker.
Praise the maker...
I have shed loads of ammo, I tend to swap the ammo I don't use with a trader instead of giving out caps. Shame though, I'd love to break it down into something useful.
if you're on PC that nexus mod I posted is everything we want lol
if you're on PC that nexus mod I posted is everything we want lol
You're kidding right?
Give players more control?