Would be nice to get XP for picking locks! Not sure why that was removed from the game?
Would be nice to get XP for picking locks! Not sure why that was removed from the game?
I get xp for picking locks unless it was removed in the patch.
Ah, my bad it never displays on my screen
So, I thought it was gone . . . sorry.
I just wish it displayed on the screen!
So, any mod can lock this useless thread!
It does display on your screen at least on PC, no idea what sytem you play on though so cud be a bug related to one of the consoles thats causing it not to display.
Well, now that I look at it. It does, but after you come out of the screen. I expected to see the XP bar increase when I break a bobby pin like in Skyrim, but it doesn't work like that.
I will also apologize since I'm a bit . . . okay a lot drunk tonight
End of semester happiness since I aced some of my finals, and got A's on the others
So, I'm drinking heavily right now
If they lock the thread... will I get exp for unlocking it?
Maybe YOU don't get xp for picking locks, but I certainly do, as well as hacking, breathing, existing or simply standing in one place, apparently. I'm constantly getting notifications that I've earned xp even when I'm not doing anything. Sure it's like12-20, but it's something.
It doesnt work like that cuz there is no lockpicking skill that increases with use, there never was one in any Fallout game, you do however always get xp for succeding(for lockingking,hacking,persuaisons,discovering new locations,crafting items etc...)
Now you just need to consider how you're going to pay off those student loans and whether you can get a job that pays more than minimum wage.
How's that for buzzkill?
Congratulations though.
it does, it is just being blocked on your screen. some times when i successfully pick a lock the mini game screen goes away fast enough for me to see the xp message.
Only if you are a moderator, if not you might wind up in a pen with Mirelurks in a quarry.
I'm not super worried. I'm a non-traditional that has experienced many traditional's that treat college like high school take two. I'm a dual major that has made dean's list every semester, and am on tract to graduate with honors. Not to mention, I have a strong work ethic.
Thank you though!
I get xp for picking locks but not always for a sandman kill. I was trying to figure out how it works. Some times I'll be ambling along the street & xp just comes my way for doing nothing at all. Not quite sure what that's about.
Well good on you! I'll be having a few myself as well. Game on, my friend.