So through a lot of exploration while playing the game I have found a few of the SPECIAL bobbleheads that increase once of your SPECIAL stats. However today I realized something after I had picked up one of the bobbleheads and I think I have made a huge mistake by getting these bobbleheads before maxing out a SPECIAL stat. From what I have heard if you pick up the bobblehead after reaching lets say rank 10 science then the science bobblehead will push you up to a base rank of 11 science. Now im wondering what happens if you pick these bobbleheads before reaching rank 10 on your stats. Obviously it adds a rank to your SPECIAL which I can confirm but will I be able to push my base stats all the way up to 11 now since I found the bobblehead before I maxed out one the stat trees? Does this mean I am actually going to have left over perk points to spend if I was to reach maxium rank? This would really piss me off if this means I can't push my SPECIAL stats all the way to 11 and I just screwed myself over. Has anyone experienced this or know what happens?