Im sure you guys are aware by now about the items/objects falling or sinking through furnitures and shelves, I was wondering when can this be fixed? I spent like straight 6 hrs today on decorating my house and upon returning to my settlement after a day out in the Commonwealth, I found out that everything is messed up, I was so frustrated, I had to close the game; Im playing on PS4 so I guess some of you feel the frustration of settlement building with such finicky controls and yes im using the Drop and Take method to place the objects/items, sometimes using the workshop mode to stand up or rotate some items/objects. I never even played Minecraft at all but the settlement building in Fallout 4 is really addicting, I have plans to make Sanctuary be like an actual town or city (if Diamond city is what you call a proper "city" then yes I can make mine like a city) but such bug is really ruining my experience. I hope Bethesda fix this soon.....