Disapointed with energy weapons variety.

Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:28 am

I hope I`m not the only one here who feels disapointed with this.

I personaly think there is a seriosu lack of energy weapons in fallout 4, we didn`t get anything new other then the same weapons as previous games and even the mods defeats any chance of making a pure energy weapons loadout.

The only mod that makes lazer weapons and plasma weapons usefull in one loadout, for me personaly, is the flamer caster mod in the Plasma rifle, evry other mod is basicly a rifle with different ways of shooting your ammo....

It feels quite disapointing the lack of creativity in this, hell even a constant beam from the lazer rifle would make it more intresting if you added the burning effect but not even that Bethesda bothered to make, though admiditly the automatic lazer would fit similar effect but still not perfectly so due to recoil.

I can only hope the DLCs that will come out will bring a more creative mods then the ones we currently have.

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:08 am

What about: flamer, cryo, gauss...

Tho I agree it would be fun if some mod would exist that would allow to charge up plasma (for plasma explosion, or melter plasma ball projectile) but in a different way than crank gun (for variety).

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Paula Ramos
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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:11 am

The gauss rifle loses pourpose considering the sniper rifles of both lazer and plasma rifle, considering what I meant early about those two energy weapons, flamer is good but its just one small difference and also defeats the use of the cryo weapon due to high cost in ammo.

In resume, one mod kills the pourpose of the other and since both lazer and plasma weapons are pretty much the same, at least in my POV, it kills any chance of making a energy weapon loadout in itself.

And not to mention the removal of energy batteries of pistols for the use of only fusion cells and plasma castiges wich makes farming for ammo even more a challange.

About the variety its exactly what I wish Bethesda should`ve gone with energy weapons, it would make a more creative way to make ur loadout and get a more entretaining expirience for energy wepon lovers, right now they felt rushed and very difficult to manage.

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Post » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:42 pm

Laser, Plasma, Cryo, Gamma, Alien Blaster. With all their variants. Plus the Institute gun, which I suppose is just a re-themed Laser.

Seems like lots of energy guns. Certainly more than were in FO3, particularly before Zeta came out.

...looking at an FO3 list, there were just Laser Pistol & Rifle, Plasma Pistol & Rifle, and Alien Blaster. And Mesmetron, for what that's worth. Plus uniques, but they're matched by legendaries & uniques in FO4.

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