i cant say there. and maybe after i post this question here i will get banned there (yeah so sad? but im not banned just say) look like thier client everywhere unexceptional on steam Discussions (have no idea why i got banned but i already got unbanned)
who do mod sometime take much time and hardwork i see some of modder on nexus determine to hide his/her amazing mod because of got attack by group of unknow(on comment)
my guess who really go there and download are not the attacker but must be other modder there who dont get more download make an alt account
why all of this is happen ? learn how to do mod is not a bad thing but when it come to bussiness or donation / paid when it about money right? that why people do this
if you read this post i dont have any spite but when see people attacking modder there and modder cant fightback(but his/her mod is free) because attacking is custommers for nexus
after i experience by myself . everyday i lock my mod comment section before i go sleep just to make sure thoese unknow hater cant hurt me