Can't shoot, AP doesn't go up.

Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:04 pm

So I was in the Prydwen, and I wanted to fast travel somewhere else. I went from the inner Prydwen to the dock, I wanted to have some fun, so I quicksaved and started shooting at the people in the dock. They killed me, the game auto loaded the latest save, and suddenly the AP bar was completely empty and never refilled. Also, since then, I can't shoot at all. I press the R2 button and it just doesn't respond. In the loading screen the R2 button is usable though.

The R2 button definitely works, because I checked in other games. I checked through another user in fallout, and it works just fine. So the problem must be with my user/save.

Please someone help, without this fixed I just can't play this game.

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Melis Hristina
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